Here is my latest Star Wars Ink Sketch Timelapse of Yoda for May the 4th Celebrations....
These are the steps ...
In True Jedi Fashion yoda used the Force to make my Camera go out of focus during the Filming of the Timelapse .. I had to upload to TikTok to get the Music. So many steps involved .....
May the Force be with you always ....
Really great picture! I love Yoda, cute he is. I have been a Star Wars fan since a boy. I remember when the first movie came out we stood in line for a long time! That was back in the '70s.
Very talented you are!
Thanks. Yeah me too.... May the Force be with you.
Here is my Twitter #hive #posh Tweet.....
Really spectacular work! I love that hand motion of his and you really interpreted it with the words.
Fantastic! Awesome!👍😍
Amazing work!
Thank you very much.
I was wondering if your views on your latest vids on Hideout been low? Mine dried up recently.
As more creators join more videos are uploaded daily which pushes our videos off the new video page more quickly. I am still making about $200 USD per month though.... how about you ?
I have no idea how much anybody else is earning ... so no way to learn what works and what doesn’t .....
I try to space my videos out so I have one on the new page more often.
My earning on Youtube have dropped to $18 per month.... how about you ?
My new vids on Hideout were getting 1000-3000 in a day or so. Now my latest vid has 2 views for all day. Yesterdays got about 100. So I dont know what happened. I have been just uploading slowly. I have a load more to do lol. I got $139.00 in there, but it has never paid out so I dont know. They have my paypal info, so hopefully it will work. I also started some LBRY thingie yesterday, but not too sure about it yet. I still get a YT check every month but I been on there for a long while.
Yeah... it depends if they uploaded your last video along with a big batch of 20 other videos.... if it pushes your last video off the new page then it will only get 1 or 2 views. I find people click on the 1st 3 or 4 new videos and then just watch all of that creators videos. So if your next video gets loaded and site on the New page all the other views on your other videos go up.... also if they feature one of your latest videos you get a really big bump. That’s how it works for me. I see you are almost at 1 Million views already. I would also email Tony and see when they are sending your payment. It’s supposed to go out when you hit $100
Ok thank you very much for the help! I will try to find his email if it doesnt go out. I do enjoy posting there!
We celebrate Star Wars everyday around these parts! But today is a special one! Happy4th! #MayThe4th #MayTheFourth
A very Special Happy 4th to you @hiveyoda
This is so cool an art work
Thanks so much for dropping by.