Details of how I visited Gods Own Supermarket and Spend 9.199 HBD

in SpendHBD2 months ago


Happy New Year, fellow #HBD spenders. How have you been, I hope this year is treating you well already.

This is an accoubt of how I visited one of the shops listed under the #spendHBD program, shoped and paid with HBD yesterday.

All these while, I have had need to restock some groceries for my house, but I haven't had the time to visit my favourite HBD store which is actually located far away from where I live and work. Fortunately, while I was at work that yesterday, I received a call from a bus company, informing me that the waybill I have been expecting from Lagos had arrived, and that I should come for identification and collection.

At the time the call came in, I was ironing a clothes I wound wear to work the following day. Immediately, I was done with that, I left the motor park and collected the package successfully. Thereafter, I decided to go straight to that my favourite spendHBD store and shop. I then chatered a tricycle that conveyed me to the shop.

On arrival, I met @emjeak, he is another HBD spender, we exchanged pleasantries, before I started sellecting the items I wanted to buy.

(All the items i bought)

Below are the six items I bought from the store and their respective prices.

  1. Bread.
    Cost 1 HBD (#1,700)

  1. Colgate toothpaste.
    Cost: 0.88 HBD (#1,500)

  1. Ovaltine
    Cost: 4.12 HBD (#7,000)

  1. Powder.
    Cost: 0.88 HBD (#1500)

  1. Lipton
    Cost: 0.588 HBD (#1,000)

  1. Indomie noodles (4)
    Cost: 0.941HBD (1,600)

I had finished shopping and was about to pay with my Hive keychain when @emjeak wanted to leave the store. I polotely requested for a selfie with him which he obliged. We took the shot before he left.

(Me with @emjeak at Gods owns supermarket)

When I eventually concluded the payment, I left the shop back to my shop where I continued to work till about 6 pm when I closed and went home.

This was how I was able to squeeze out some time from my day to visit and shop from a @spendHBD store.

Thank you for stopping and reading through my blog. I am grateful.


It was a good day, glad I met you there. Hope to see you there again. Be good my friend. Best wishes.