This enables normal Hiveans to Approach Businesses About Using Hive

in SpendHBD11 months ago

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This is a video of me, @theycallmedan, @thedeltron testing Distrion App and Waivio one click add business to chain feature

Its very powerful technology, and will be the foundation of the tools that normal Hiveans can use to approach businesses about using Hive.

There is even a business model in here for normal people to monetise all of this if you listen carefully.

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this is so exciting.
Im genna try this on my local cafe

yes, will be so cool, i think this will move fast now

This is totally awesome. I wasn´t aware about this!

Nice glasses and hood!

inspired by @stickupboys style

Ye I like it also now I have watched the video that is very cool! I need to look at it more does waivio have a discord or something?

Great, out of curiosity I have already seen several posts using this modality and I already downloaded it on my cell phone and opened session through keychain, I could see many merchants in my country that are listed, I wanted to try it but I could not.

I know you are doing tests, congratulations for your new project. @starkerz 😉

Pd. Your glasses are beautiful 😁.

thank you! this will get a lot easier