DIKKIES SUPERMARKETMy experience at Dikkies supermarket was unexpected yesterday. When @jaminuche19 and I were getting close to the supermarket, something felt different. As we got in, we noticed a different person at the counter. It got me worried because I was thinking about how to explain our payment method to the new guy.
We went ahead to pick the things we needed at that moment. I picked noodles, cake, and bathing soap. When we got to the counter, he calculated the total and started staring at us, waiting for payment. I told him we wanted to pay with HBD. From his expression, it was clear he had an idea of what HBD is but didn’t know how to process the payment.
So, we asked him to chat with the other guy, Sammy, to generate the payment code. We waited for a few minutes before the code was sent. After scanning it, we took some pictures. Interestingly, the new guy didn’t seem surprised; it was as if he had already been briefed. I don’t know how, but that’s a good step toward achieving the goal of getting more people to know about SpendHBD.
Overall, it was smooth shopping, just as I always wanted.