SpendHBD Workshop Day 3 || Exciting News

in SpendHBD2 months ago

Empowering Registered Members with HBD!
Presentation by @ijelady

Greetings family,
We're thrilled to share these exciting updates from the third day of our #spendhbd workshop! Our focus was on putting the lessons we've learned into practice. Our registered members got proactive tutoring others on how to use the HBD app for seamless transactions.

But that's not all! We also shared some fantastic news: two local shops have officially listed HBD as a payment method! This is a huge milestone for us, and we're grateful for the support of these forward-thinking business men and women.

To celebrate, we took our members on a shopping spree to one of the listed shops, where they got to experience the convenience of using HBD for themselves. It was amazing to see the excitement and confidence on their faces as they made their transactions!

Ready to go for shopping
We're proud of the progress our members have made, are making and we're looking forward to seeing more impact of HBD in our Uyo city.

Successfully we have Joined ABA for their ShoKiN day every Saturday. Stay tuned for more updates from our workshop!

Read more about the workshop in details. Everything you need to know: It was a double workshop on SpendHBD

Played my part

It was an opportunity to play a bad thing helping a local business to print their banner. It was a fantastic experience. From designing the layout, the size to choosing the perfect color, I work closely with a business owner to bring their ideas to life, and seeing the end product, it looked very rewarding.

Getting ready to shop

Hardcopy of the business banner
I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute my skills to help the business stand out and to be listed as a store which accepts HBD for payments.

If you need assistance on printing or design, feel free to reach out on Discord.

Shopping At Ekamimi provision store

Being gripped by the longing of some tasty chocolate cookie, I stumbled upon this quantifying Munchkins biscuits which made me so much delight.

This is so far the best cookie this year

There's a friend of mine whom I call munchie. The name of this cookie brings memories about the name. 😋😊

The thickness and it's chocolate mix just gave every bite a heartwarming memory and it would not be complete without a cup of yogurt — hollandia.


Here is all you need to know about my shopping at her place

I want to thank you all for the time well spent in making This Day 3 #SpendHBD workshop a success. May the joy of shopping With HBD drive us!


That's what we all need to do. Helping people around us to know hive and spendHBD project. Yes, both customers and business owners will enjoy it tomorrow

The cost of transactions is just something that must be reduced or removed completely

This is shopping made easy and lots of fun. Paying with HBD is Awesome. UYO city can never be last on a good thing, ABA city is glad you are with them now, brilliant.
Those pictures are fantastic especially the 3pic.

There is nothing more to ask for that to go ahead, together towards the best


What do u think?

You have really played a key role in the ShoKiN Day experience, your rewards will be more greater.

Lol, it's a part.
I tried that's all. We all enjoy together