I registered two persons today and successfully listed a business

in SpendHBD4 months ago

As a local guide in this community, I have made it my determination to add something meaningful to this community and it all started today as I visited Home Of Beauty Salon located at SDA junction Umukalika. From this video, you can have a view of the salon.

~~~ embed:1857708529307492796?t=kQVXi2PpeVO3fY2WGrdqgg&s=19 twitter metadata:QU1BUkFDSElFTUVLQTV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQU1BUkFDSElFTUVLQTUvc3RhdHVzLzE4NTc3MDg1MjkzMDc0OTI3OTZ8 ~~~

After discussing with the rightful owner of the shop, she accepted and I commenced with her registration. Her username is @homeofbeauty. Done with her registration, I listed her shop. Therefore, am announcing to you all now that Home Of Beauty Salon located at SDA junction Umukalika Aba is now a listed business ready to accept HBD mode of payment. That's impressive right!!

Explaining more about SpendHBD

Her apprentices quickly inquired to know how they too can benefit and I did so immediately by explaining and demonstrating how to pay and complete a transaction.

~~~ embed:1857708580859674816?t=1bMJulMgc2vhJ5VZWhbZUA&s=19 twitter metadata:QU1BUkFDSElFTUVLQTV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQU1BUkFDSElFTUVLQTUvc3RhdHVzLzE4NTc3MDg1ODA4NTk2NzQ4MTZ8 ~~~

But because their phones wasn't available then, they were unable to register. But, only one of them @chrisfavour that registered and she wanted to patronize her madam immediately so as ro see rhe goodness of spendhbd. But the only issue we had is that her phone's memory is low. That's why she couldn't receive the second mail. She promised to delete some items so as to free up the phone. Probably, by tomorrow, everything would be smooth.

I also demonstrated to @homeofbeauty how to purchase and generate receipts by patronizing them. Here is my receipt.


That's all for today.

Tomorrow is ShoKin

See you guys tomorrow.



That's very impressive, Marajah. Welcome to Hive @homeofbeauty.

I love this idea , I can't wait to check out all their amazing products and services available.. thank you for sharing this

Excellent, happy weekend.Hi @marajah, it's great that you were able to involve those people in the HIve world, and in the HBD payment.


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