Lagos group shopping || Branding myself for Hive and Spendhbd awareness ||

in SpendHBD3 months ago

We met at an agreed bus stop and boarded another bus to the said location only to meet the store owners absence. We were asked to check back tomorrow by 1pm and we will definitely go back because the store is a very busy one and their prices are not bad too.Today started with a rush when I got a call from my trusted local guide @beauty197 to go check out a store and speak to the store owner about #hive and how it would benefit his business.

We left there and went back to our respective locations while we organized the group for an evening shopping through our WhatsApp channel.
We agreed to meet in the evening as usual because of Lagosians busy schedule. Time was set to shop by 4pm while new users are to come earlier so that their registration can be concluded before the shopping time. We also wanted to get clear pictures while it is still bright, so we urged everyone to try and come on time.


I am happy to announce to everyone that a newbie was signed up today prior to the shopping. She got to know about hive through my local guide who explained the benefits to her and how she can explore other interesting communities. She got interested and was signed up today and she also shopped with the group, she was really happy to learn about hive and to start her hive journey no wonder she came 1 hour before shopping time to get registered.

I and newbie @ozibaby

The new user was guided on how to download #hivekeychain and #ecency app and how to set up her profiles and navigate through the apps to make it easier for her to get used to the app.


Our shopping time was set for 4PM and our shopping location was @chiefomart. I got there only to find out I was the second person, I met @omachi123 the first person to get there and we waited for others to come join us at our listed shopping location today. While waiting, I and Omalicha decided to take pictures together so that we don't get bored. So we made good use of the waiting time to take nice and memorable pictures together.

After few minutes, my local guide arrived with the newbie who she had already registered. Others also joined us at the meeting point few minutes later. A brief mentorship was held where the local guide commended us for our efforts and encouraged us to continue to be consistent on hive. Everyone agreed to put in their best because it's not easy to meet up with a lot of things because of the nature of jobs of some people and their busy schedule. Lagos is the busiest city in Africa if I'm not mistaken.

Afterwards, we took group pictures and went into chiefomart to get our desired items, everyone shopped what they really needed in their homes and I got my own items too. We all made payment using #hivedollar and claimed our discount through #distriator app. The best part of shopping is always the cashback aspect, I always look forward to it and the newbie was really happy getting her first discount today.

Those that made it to the shopping today were;

Myself @kachy2022 @omachi213 @iquo @beccatessy2 @jacinta234 @ozibaby the newbie

Everyone was happy shopping and got their discounts from @distriator

I got eggs, bread and peanut butter

wine section

Today was really exciting because of the number of people that supported the group shopping. It's always fun to shop as a group because it creates more awareness and make people curious when they see us shopping together, many have come to ask questions as a result of our group shopping and have now become one of us....hivers.

So in essence, shopping as a group creates more awareness and gives us the opportunity to meet other hivers, to discuss and learn from each other, which is important for growth.

After shopping we took more group pictures and the local guide accompanied @@@beccatessy2 and @iquo to @bokku-mart to get other items that they didn't get from @chiefomart.

I left because I was done with shopping for the day and I helped the newbie to get to the bus stop where she would get a bus home because she's new in Lagos and I want her to get back home safely.

I want to say thank you to @distriator and #spendhbd for your undeniable support through discounts from purchases in this hard times, thank you so much.


I really enjoyed today's shopping, i was nice having you around
Keep sending #hbd

Yes o same here. Let continue to shop and smile

Beautiful pictures.

Please fry those eggs I am coming for it.

Hahahaha alright I'm waiting for you

Is that your shopping smile for me, welldone

Enjoyment galore, it was nice meeting @Ozibabay

Yes it was.

You are doing a great job keep it up