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RE: Happy Earth Day | LarryIsAlive

in Larry Is Alive2 years ago

The realm that we have inherited and born into must be taken care of, not top down with laws and regulations, but bottom up with knowledge and understanding of the people. The top will say the co2 we breath out is destroying our home, the bottom will say pick up the trash in your neighborhood. The top says "don't eat meat, the cows create methane", the bottom says "raise your own produce animals and use methane to produce energy!". This realm was given to the people, but the self-proclaimed elite has laid claim to it, demanding that the "unenlightened" must submit to regulations, reducing their "carbon footprint" and destrying cheap energy because it's not "carbon neutral", and demanding industries and individuals make business and life changes to advance their own vain cause, while they themselves are exempt, flying jets all over the world. They are not the ones to direct the change (for their own benefit), we are the change which will benefit all of humanity.

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