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RE: Hive Open Mic, week 104, Romance for Guitar

How beautiful! What pretty eyes you have and that husky voice that gives you a romantic touch like the piece itself.

I like those melodies very much, I guess my ear is used to this kind of music, I look at your fingers and I marvel at their soft movement.

And I better end this comment that seems like a declaration of love, 😅🤪, for the record I'm straight but I didn't hold back in saying how beautiful things or people are.

P. D I really enjoyed looking at your face. I miss singing in the community, but I lost my false teeth 🤦🏽♀️ and dead first than plain, hahaha it's a colloquial expression, to say that without teeth I don't sing even crazy. @mipiano


Wow, han pasado unos días de tu comentario.
Lo siento mucho por responder tan tarde, se me han hecho los días difíciles y deje atrás responder a los comentarios en esta publicación
Y seguramente que tenré fallos al escribir, pero me entiendes jejeje :))

Gracias por tu declaración de amor, y que lo sepas, yo tampoco soy muy valiente en presentarme. Yo tengo un diente que no va alineado, y me frustra un poco. Menos mal que no canto 😂
Espero pudas arreglar lo del diente pronto 😇

Un gran abrazo, y espero que has tenido unas felices Pascuas !