HIVE OPEN MIC #165 || More Than Excellent (Cover) by @sapphirekay ENG/ESP 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago (edited)


Hello there beautiful people and music lovers. What an amazing week it is. Trust it has been same for you?

We have an interesting theme this week, as chosen by @wizj our recent spotlight artist — "In Love With Nature & Mother Earth". Not only does the theme bring to mind the wonderful beauty of nature but also the magnificence of the One Who created it— God.

The sun, trees, rivers, galaxies show the greatness of God, day after day and night after night. The heavens declare His glory and proclaim the works of His hands.

Whenever you feel down, just look at nature, you'll see the greatness of God displayed and that will encourage you because you know that the God Who made all things beautiful by His mighty power will beautify everything about your life and come through for you, always. He never fails.

I did a song by Chookar & LoveWorld Singers titled "More Than Excellent (Treasures Everywhere)" a beautiful song of praise to God for His wonders in the earth. He filled the earth with so many treasures and goodness, eveything He made is perfect and none has ever failed to fulfil its purpose. My God is More Than Excellent.

Be blessed and Inspired as you listen. God bless you. 🎶 ☺ ✨ 😊


Everything You made
So colorful
You made the heavens
The power of Your Word
No other God compares
You made the earth

More than excellent
More than excellent
God You are

More than excellent
More than excellent
God You are


The earth is full Your goodness
Treasures everywhere
There are treasures everywhere

Hidden riches of secret places
Treasures everywhere
There are treasures everywhere

Full Lyrics Source



Hola gente hermosa y amantes de la música. Qué semana tan increíble es. ¿Confías en que ha sido lo mismo para ti?

Tenemos un tema interesante esta semana, elegido por @wizj, nuestro reciente artista destacado: "Enamorado de la naturaleza y la madre tierra". El tema no solo trae a la mente la maravillosa belleza de la naturaleza, sino también la magnificencia de Aquel que la creó: Dios.

el sol, los árboles, los ríos, las galaxias muestran la grandeza de Dios, día tras día y noche tras noche. Los cielos declaran Su gloria y proclaman las obras de Sus manos.

cada vez que te sientas deprimido, solo mira la naturaleza, verás la grandeza de Dios mostrada y eso te animará porque sabes que el Dios que hizo todas las cosas hermosas con Su gran poder embellecerá todo lo relacionado con tu vida y saldrá adelante por ti. , siempre. H2 nunca falla.

Hice una canción de Chookar & LoveWorld Singers titulada "More Than Excellent (Treasures Everywhere)", una hermosa canción de alabanza a Dios por sus maravillas en la tierra. Él llenó la tierra de tantos tesoros y bondades, todo lo que hizo es perfecto y ninguno ha dejado de cumplir su propósito. mi Dios es Más que Excelente.

Sé bendecido e inspirado mientras escuchas. Dios te bendiga. 🎶 ☺ ✨ 😊


todo lo que hiciste
tan colorido
Tú hiciste los cielos
El poder de tu palabra
Ningún otro Dios se compara
tu hiciste la tierra

Más que excelente
Más que excelente
Dios tu eres

Más que excelente
Más que excelente
Dios tu eres


la tierra está llena tu bondad
Tesoros por todas partes
Hay tesoros por todas partes.

Riquezas ocultas de lugares secretos
Tesoros por todas partes
Hay tesoros por todas partes

Fuente de la letra



It gladden me to spend time to watch this entry. Twas an aamazing one...Weldon very seriously for this piece @sapphirekay

Have a nice time

#cheers 🥂

Thank you so much bro. I really appreciate. You inspired it after all 😊😊😊

Excellent and fabulous you there

Weldon dear

Beautiful voice @sapphirekay, but more beautiful is this adoration. Thanks for bringing it in for this week. :)

Awwn 😊 thank you so kindly ma'am. It gladdens my heart that you liked my entry. I'm grateful ma'am. 🙏

It is a good thing that I came here this night to be blessed by your expression of the goodness of God with the Hallelujah song. His goodness is ever true.

A great presentation here, cheers

God is indeed gracious. I'm really joyful for you dropping such beautiful words. Thank you do much for listening. God bless you.

Saludos hermosa @sapphirekay

Me gusta mucho las presentaciones en Acapellah, has cantado con una gracia increíble! Me ha gustado muchísimo tu interpretación para ésta semana.

Un abrazo fraternal, bendiciones del cielo para tí

Greetings beautiful @sapphirekay

I really like the performances in Acapellah, you sang with amazing grace! I really enjoyed your rendition for this week.

Fraternal hug, blessings from heaven to you.

Aww thank you so much boss. I really appreciate you listening to my entry. Thank you so much. 🥰🥰😊😌
A great week to you

saphirekay with her beautiful voice again here.. this is just another awesome representation of your talent and trust me you hit it real good. very soothing song for the theme dear.. great entry, do have a lovely sunday dear...

See as I'm blushing very seriously. Thank you so much boss. You always say the sweetest and encouraging words. I really do appreciate 🙏 😌
Have the best week boss.

You have a very lovely voice
Truly the Earth is full of riches, a very beautiful song covered in a very beautiful way
This is the first time am listening to you and am mesmerized by your voice
Keep rocking dear💯💯👍👍

Wow this is so lovely to hear and.I am delighted you found my entry so. Thank you so much my dear. You rock!!
Have a lovely week ahead

Thank you dear

Beautiful theme, truly God made everything to perfection and it is wonderful to be able to see and enjoy the beauty of his creation. It was a pleasure to listen to you again my friend, excellent work, you have a very beautiful voice. Greetings and blessings! 😍❤️🙏

Thank you for such marvelous words my dear. God is so great and His works are amazing. Thank you so much for listening and saying such lovely words. Have a beautiful week ahead.

thank you very much friend, likewise!

 2 years ago  


Thank you so kindly 😊