Hive Openmic Week #186_Le casa de Papel (Money Heist) Bella Ciao Cover.

in Hive Open Mic11 months ago

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Hive Openmic Week #186_Le casa de Papel (Money Heist) Bella Ciao Cover.



Good day friends and family of Hive and welcome to my entry for Hive Openmic Week 186. Am so sorry my entry is a bit late I've been so engaged during the week with school activities. The theme for this week is "Cinema" chosen by our recent spotlight artist @mairene1, my sincere greetings and best wishes to her.

Today I bring to us a trumpet version of the soundtrack behind the movie "Le Casa De Papel" Money Heist. It should be very few person's that don't know about the movie because it's a well popular movie that captured the minds of individuals a lot due to the impressive application of knowledge in the movie. The main character of the movie Alverio Morte known as "Professor" made me love the movie very well follow by his team mates Tokyo, Berlin, Rio and the rest of them who played the major role of the criminals who went to rob the bank of Spain in Madrid.

It's sure an interesting movie to watch and watch without getting tired. The soundtrack behind the movie has gone viral also because it gave more beautiful color to the movie. Little children and even some adults on hearing the soundtrack will be able to tell you the name of the movie. Today I choose to present the soundtrack though it's in Italian language but I still love the song and was able to play it with my trumpet.

I started recording it on a low tempo and took it to the tempo they usually do the song with in the movie,I hope you all enjoy my entry... Thank you 🙏



Buenos días amigos y familiares de Hive y bienvenidos a mi entrada para la Semana 186 de Hive Openmic. Lamento mucho que mi entrada llegue un poco tarde porque he estado muy involucrado durante la semana con las actividades escolares. El tema de esta semana es "Cine" elegido por nuestra reciente artista destacada @mairene1, mis más sinceros saludos y mis mejores deseos para ella.

Hoy les traigo una versión para trompeta de la banda sonora de la película "Le Casa De Papel" La casa de papel. Deberían ser muy pocas las personas que no conozcan la película porque es una película muy popular que capturó mucho las mentes de las personas debido a la impresionante aplicación del conocimiento en la película. El personaje principal de la película Alverio Morte conocido como "Profesor" me hizo amar la película muy bien seguido por sus compañeros de equipo Tokio, Berlín, Río y el resto que hicieron el papel principal de los delincuentes que fueron a robar el banco de España en Madrid.

Seguro que es una película interesante para ver y ver sin cansarse. La banda sonora detrás de la película se ha vuelto viral también porque le dio un color más hermoso a la película. Los niños pequeños e incluso algunos adultos al escuchar la banda sonora podrán decirte el nombre de la película. Hoy elijo presentar la banda sonora, aunque está en italiano, pero todavía me encanta la canción y pude tocarla con mi trompeta.

Empecé a grabarla en un tempo bajo y la llevé al tempo con el que normalmente hacen la canción en la película, espero que todos disfruten mi entrada... Gracias 🙏





*Hello beautiful*

One morning I woke up
Oh beautiful bye, beautiful bye, beautiful bye bye bye
One morning I woke up
Eo I found the invader

One morning I woke up
Oh beautiful bye, beautiful bye, beautiful bye bye bye
One morning I woke up
And I found the invader

O partisan take me away
Oh beautiful bye, beautiful bye, beautiful bye bye bye
O partisan take me away
That I feel like dying

Oh partisan, carry me away,
Oh beautiful bye, beautiful bye, beautiful bye bye bye
Oh partisan, carry me away,
For I feel I'm dying

And if I die as a partisan
Oh beautiful bye, beautiful bye, beautiful bye bye bye
And if I die as a partisan
You have to bury me

And if I die as a partisan
Oh beautiful bye, beautiful bye, beautiful bye bye bye
And if I die as a partisan
You have to bury me


*Bella Ciao*

Una mattina mi son svegliato
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
Una mattina mi son svegliato
Eo ho trovato l'invasor

One morning I woke up
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
One morning I woke up
And I found the invader

O partigiano porta mi via
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
O partigiano porta mi via
Che mi sento di morir

Oh partisan, carry me away,
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
Oh partisan, carry me away,
For I feel I'm dying

E se io muoio da partigiano
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
E se io muoio da partigiano
Tu mi devi seppellir

And if I die as a partisan
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
And if I die as a partisan
You have to bury me

Mi seppellire lassù in montagna
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
Mi seppellire lassù in montagna
Sotto l'ombra di un bel fiore


Lyrics Source

Thank you for visiting my Post

▶️ 3Speak


You are always doing magic with that instrument broh. That was a very wonderful entry. Happy weekend sir

Thanks so much brother man..
We are still coming up thou..🙏🙏

You are doing well Already sir the trumpet sounds for me?

I so enjoyed it

Thank you so much ma..
I really appreciate...

Men you're so awesome 👍
I'm glad to watch this video, you've got the vibes

Thanks allot man...
I'm glad you came around..🙏

Well, I applaud your idea of bringing music from this television event that so many people have loved. I haven't seen you play for a long time brother, so happy to have you here, of course you have done it wonderfully. I have already listened to the music, but I haven't seen La Casa de Papel yet, I think before the end of the year I will marathon my pending list...

Dear brother and mentor on the chain.. I'm glad to recieve such a wonderful remark from you. I've really missed the family but hope to continue sharing music with all of us in this noble family of growth...

I LOVE THIS SONG! it is something in the lyric and how it flows the rythm really amazing ✨

yeah... It's sure a nice song dear...
Thank you for coming around..🙏🙏

Doing well Boss God bless you Sir!

Thanks bro..
Really appreciate🙏🙏

I love musical instruments, though personally I don't fancy playing wind instruments because I feel it requires more energy but I appreciate people who do. Is like I need to feature you on one track o. You are doing beautifully well.

Hahah... I've got that statement about the winds instrument several times like this but I'm glad I could still manage to play the trumpet a little. Thou it's really difficult to learn..
Thank you for coming around..🙏🙏

Excelente presentación estimado amigo @ovey10 que bueno verte activo de nuevo en esta familia y con esta maravillosa ejecución en la trompeta. Bendiciones para tí 🙏🤗🎶🎶😊🎶🎶😃🎤💙❤️💕

Excellent presentation, dear friend @ovey10, how good to see you active again in this family and with this wonderful performance on the trumpet. Blessings to you 🙏🤗🎶🎶😊🎶🎶😃🎤💙❤️💕

Mi querida madre de la familia Hive Openmic.. es una gran alegría contar nuevamente con tu presencia..
Me alegro de volver a compartir música con nosotros en la cadena..

My dear mother of the hive Openmic family.. it's a great thing of joy to have your presence again..
Am glad am back sharing music with us in the chain..

Rhat was really nice, I think it captures the essence of the original song, which sounds like rebellion and justice at the same time. 😊