in Hive Open Mic2 years ago (edited)

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Hello everyone....
Compliments of the season, we are still in the yuletide season and it's still very evident in the atmosphere.
This is week 142 of the hive openmic event and our theme for this week is "Our Destiny".

I'm already in love with the person that person that chose this theme because most of the times, we feign ignorance to having good times whereas reverse is the case.
Destiny cannot be tampered but it can be improved.
Have you ever noticed that most people that you love don't love you back and the ones you don't love tends to love us back...
But most of the time, we still try to live on while being ignorant of the fact that some things in our lives will never just work just as we expect it to work..


Most people are in love with the wrong people today due to ignorance and many are not in love with the right people (they are playing around with the right people).
It's only a matter of time before they get to know.
I decided to cut some verses of songs by some legendary artistes like Adele, John Legend, Lewis Capaldi to explain what I mean musically.
I did this video with my new friend on hive @tobbysax.
I hope you enjoy this music.






Hola a todos....
Complementos de la temporada, todavía estamos en la temporada navideña y todavía es muy evidente en la atmósfera.
Esta es la semana 142 del evento de micrófono abierto Hive y nuestro tema para esta semana es "Nuestro destino".

Ya estoy enamorado de la persona que eligió este tema porque la mayoría de las veces, fingimos ignorancia para pasar buenos momentos, mientras que al revés es el caso.
El destino no se puede manipular, pero se puede mejorar.
¿Alguna vez has notado que la mayoría de las personas que amas no te aman y las que no amas tienden a amarnos también?
Pero la mayor parte del tiempo, todavía tratamos de vivir mientras ignoramos el hecho de que algunas cosas en nuestras vidas nunca funcionarán como esperamos que funcionen.


La mayoría de las personas están enamoradas de las personas equivocadas hoy en día debido a la ignorancia y muchas no están enamoradas de las personas adecuadas (están jugando con las personas adecuadas).
Es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que se conozcan.
Decidí cortar algunos versos de canciones de algunos artistas legendarios como Adele, John Legend, Lewis Capaldi para explicar lo que quiero decir musicalmente.
Hice este video con mi nuevo amigo en Hive @tobbysax.
Espero que disfruten de esta música.




▶️ 3Speak


excellent as usuall.... your voice is always giving me goosebumps..
You both did a great job with instrumental, the three combo is incredible.

Thanks mama.
It's a pleasure to know that you get goosebumps listening to my music.
Thanks for dropping by!

I love it!!! But the gen background😭😭😭 minus I love your voice. Nice combo🤗🤗

Yh the gen was a factor.
Thanks for stopping by dear, I appreciate!

It was fantastic. Your voices were mesmerizing, keep it up obaro and tobbysax

Thanks for your comment man and for stopping by!

Que hermoso sonó esta interpretación amigo @obaro, que voz tan hermosa tienes, estupendo acompañamiento y coro. Felicidades a los dos. Dios los bendiga🙏🤗🌹📀🎵🎵🎵😄🎄🎁🎼🍾🎶🎶💖🎧🤶🥂🎀❇️🌠💁🎤💚💜🧡💛💙❤️💞

How beautiful this interpretation sounded, friend @obaro, what a beautiful voice you have, great accompaniment and choir. Congratulations to both of you. God bless you

Thanks a lot for your comment and also, my sincere appreciation goes to my friend for agreeing to feature me.
Thanks for your constant support and love on my content.
I wish you a prosperous new year!

"El destino no se puede manipular, pero se puede mejorar." Estimado amigo @obaro, desde que el mundo es mundo se ha dado esa ronda del amor y el desamor. Recuerdo de niña una comiquita que daban por televisión. Se llamaba "La Gata Loca" y la historia giraba acerca de una gata enamorada perdidamente de un ratón. Él la rechazaba, le lanzaba ladrillazos que la hacían caer al suelo y de los chichones salían volando corazones mientras ella exclamaba "¿No es él un encanto?" Y quien la amaba a ella era..el perro policía de la esquina. A quien ella rechazaba, por cierto.

"Fate cannot be manipulated, but it can be improved."Dear friend @obaro, since the world began, there has been this round of love and heartbreak. I remember a little comedy that was shown on television as a child. It was called "Crazy Cat" and the story revolved around a cat madly in love with a mouse. It rejected her, throwing bricks at her that made her fall to the ground and hearts flew out of the bumps while she exclaimed "Isn't he a sweetie?" And the one who loved her was... the police dog on the corner. Whom she rejected, by the way.

Me encantó la interpretación de esta canción. Tu voz tiene unos agudos preciosos y lograron una bella armonía piano - guitarra. Gracias por compartir. Muchos éxitos a ambos por compartir música muy buena.

I loved the performance of this song. Your voice has beautiful treble and they achieved a beautiful piano-guitar harmony. Thanks for sharing. Many successes to both of you for sharing very good music.

You are really right about your point of view on fate.
For real, you are right about what you think of destiny.

That aside, I'm grateful for you stopping by and showing love with your coment.

I wish I could hear you properly without the background noise. You are clearly very talented.

You are right, the generator is a clear factor.
However, I'm grateful for your presence and comment on my post. You are also incredibly talented.

Hermosa canción ... Greetings from vzla !!

Gracias mi amigo!
Greetings from Nigeria !

Ahhh, me encanta! Rebonito valee, un talentazo el de ustedes.

Thanks for stopping by and loving my content.

Dear @obaro,
Our current proposal (#199) will expire end of December. May we ask you to review and support the our proposal renewal (#248) so our team can continue its work next year?
You can support it on Peakd, Ecency, /
or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!

Have you ever noticed that most of the people you love don't love you and the people you don't love tend to love us back?

👆 Brother, of course you do..... Hahaha, this happens a hell of a lot rather I think it's lei from life.... Han lo grade a beautiful interpretation my brothers, congrats!!!! I send a big hug to the 2 of you God bless you!!!!!

Thanks for your sincere understanding!
God bless you too and I also send you a big hug.

Lovely work bro...A big congrats!!

Thanks Chief

You are welcome

I love the song choice