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RE: 🎵 Hive Open Mic 164 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

¡Hola amigos del Hive Open Mic! Reciban con cariño este simple recordatorio de vida… No dejemos de soñar y luchar por hacerlos realidad. Sin humillar a nadie en el andar. Sigamos regando, ¡De seguro de ese frondoso árbol, excelentes frutos hemos de cosechar!😉👍🙌

Hello friends of the Hive Open Mic! Receive this simple reminder of life with love... Let's not stop dreaming and fighting to make them come true. Without humiliating anyone in the walk. Let's keep watering, surely from that leafy tree, we have excellent fruits to reap!😉👍🙌