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RE: La risa y el humor - Hive Open Mic #154 "Comedia Musical" [Esp-Eng]

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Chica!!! Where have you been all this time? Omg, so much time passed since your latest post, a year!!! (well, a year, until yesterday)
You are still shining, and you are bringing now laughter, as therapy. Thank you, a lot, for your excellent entry! 😇


hey girl! yeah, I was lost for a long time, in my country we say "No estaba muerta, estaba de parranda", which translates to something like "she wasn't dead, she was partying" XD. I was lost for a while in uruguay, but I'm back! Thanks for the welcome, I'm glad to be part of it again.

I think I saw the other one post where it was mentioned, the estaba de parranda. I didn't know about the meaning, so thanks :))
A lot to learn with this Spanish language and its details and sayings from different countries of Latin America 😅

Glad to see you back @auelitairene 😉

yes, it's very common hahaha it's a great saying, you can add it to your list of Venezuelan Spanish phrases hahaha

Thanks you beauty!😘

You know, I need a complete dictionary hahaha

(yay, the weekly topic of Musical comedy is giving results hahaha, laughter is here hahaha)

(as you were in my round of checking out the posts, I am tagging my colleagues @fernanblog, @musicandreview and @jesuslnrs not to miss out to listen to your entry 😉 )

Adiwa! Long live the joy. Thank you very much for your support. I already went to follow them and see what sling too, so as not to miss them too. After a year many friends I was following are gone, so I'm making new ones 😁.

Yeah, some users are not around anymore, many great new people came and also, there are those of us who stayed ;)
Have fun meeting new people! A hug, have a great weekend and see you around 🤗👋