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RE: 🎵 “Our Lady Mother Nature” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 59

in Hive Open Mic4 years ago

Simplemente hermoso este tema mi querido amigo, te mando un fuerte abrazo que aliviane tu tristeza, no es fácil culminar algo que se ha construido durante tantos años, pero siempre sale el sol dando oportunidades a nuevos comienzos, tu vibras bonito y como la misma letra de tu canción menciona: Nuestra Señora Madre Naturaleza Tu vibración nos trae quietud, consuelo, belleza y nos maravilla. Ceo que es muy valiente que te levantes por la mañana incluso si tu alma esta cansada, es valiente que empujes las olas cada día y decidas luchar, la vida y las caídas nos dan la facultad de creer y confiar en nosotros mismos, así que usa esta crisis para seguir creciendo, no te dejes vencer, algunos caminos se rompen para que otros puedan aparecer, vas a estar bien. Confía. Como dijo nuestra querida @mipiano cabe destacar la excelente edición de tu video de verdad me fascino, tu interpretación musical fue esplendida, tomate tu tiempo para sanar, recuerda que no estas solo. Un mega abrazo lleno de buena vibra para ti ✨🤗 💖

This theme is simply beautiful, my dear friend, I send you a big hug that alleviates your sadness, it is not easy to finish something that has been built for so many years, but the sun always rises giving opportunities to new beginnings, you vibrate beautifully and like the same letter of your song mention: Our Lady Mother Nature Your vibration brings us stillness, comfort, beauty and astonishes us. Ceo that it is very brave that you get up in the morning even if your soul is tired, it is brave that you push the waves every day and decide to fight, life and falls give us the power to believe and trust ourselves, so use This crisis to continue growing, do not let yourself be overcome, some roads are broken so that others can appear, you will be fine. Trust. As our dear @mipiano said, it is worth noting the excellent editing of your video really fascinated me, your musical performance was splendid, take your time to heal, remember that you are not alone. A mega hug full of good vibes for you ✨🤗 💖


Thank you so much, I am feeling the mega hug! Loaded with good vibes, yes!! It's a natural thing to transition through changes, letting go here, holding on there, and just keeping my head up. Like you, I work to make joyful choices, and put a smile on my face when I get a chance. It's people like you who let me know the world is always turning in my favor. 🌞 🌻