Hive open mic week #160 Heir Of The Father by Aaron Brown Cover //By @Julti1985(ENG/ESP)

in Hive Open Miclast year

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Hello Hivians,
Happy new month to everyone,
Welcome to another exciting week on #hiveopenmicweek160.

The theme for this week is Fraternity with our spotlight artist @guitarmcy.

Fraternity simply means a group of people with the same belief, focus, target, and aim and this brings us to Christianity which I believe is the best fraternity.

This week I will be singing a song titled "WE ARE HEIR OF THE FATHER" by Aaron Brown.

The Bible says we should not forsake the gathering of the brethren.
Christians are one large family that all belong to one father.

The death of Jesus Christ has brought to us a brotherhood whereby we all have one aim and target.

Our goal is to make heaven on the last day and to meet our husband Jesus Christ that will lead us to the Father.
Though there are many doctrines in Christendom and different names of the church with different ways of worship. we all have one Bible that talks about heaven and hell.

In the Bible, we are all given the assignment to go and evangelize the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to as many that believe that Jesus is the son of God.

Winning a soul for Christ is our mandate because Jesus has paid the price for every human.

Remember you are saved for you to save others.

But it is a pity today many have left the real assignment and started involving in other things that do not glorify the name of the Lord.

1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-13

For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.source.

Thanks for listening.


We Are Heirs Of The Father
We Are Joint-Heirs With The Son.
We Are People Of His Kingdom
We Are Family, We Are One.

We Are Washed, We Are Sanctified.
We Are Cleansed By His Blood.
We Are Born Of The Spirit
We Are Children Of The Lord.

We Are Members Of His Body.
We Are Objects Of His Love.
We Are Partakers Of His Holiness
We Are Citizens Of Heaven Above.

We’re Partakers Of His Suffering;
We’re Partakers Of His Grace.
We Shall Meet Him To Be Like Him
We Shall See Him Face To Face.

We Are Longing For His Coming
We Are Looking To The Skies;
We Are Watching, We Are Waiting,
We Shall Dwell With Him, We Shall Rise.

We Shall Reign With Him Forever;
Men And Angels Shout And Sing.
For Dominion Has Been Given
To The Family Of The King.


Hola Hivians,
Feliz mes nuevo a todos,
Bienvenidos a otra emocionante semana en #hiveopenmicweek160.

El tema de esta semana es Fraternidad con nuestro artista destacado @guitarmcy.

Fraternidad significa simplemente un grupo de personas con la misma creencia, enfoque, objetivo y meta y esto nos lleva al cristianismo que creo que es la mejor fraternidad.

Esta semana cantaré una canción titulada "WE ARE HEIR OF THE FATHER" de Aaron Brown.

La Biblia dice que no debemos abandonar la reunión de los hermanos.
Los cristianos somos una gran familia que pertenecemos a un solo padre.

La muerte de Jesucristo nos ha traído una hermandad en la que todos tenemos un mismo objetivo y una misma meta.

Nuestra meta es llegar al cielo en el último día y encontrarnos con nuestro esposo Jesucristo que nos llevará al Padre.
Aunque hay muchas doctrinas en la cristiandad y diferentes nombres de la iglesia con diferentes formas de culto. todos tenemos una Biblia que habla sobre el cielo y el infierno.

En la Biblia, a todos se nos da la tarea de ir y evangelizar el evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo a todos los que creen que Jesús es el hijo de Dios.

Ganar un alma para Cristo es nuestro mandato porque Jesús ha pagado el precio por cada ser humano.

Recuerda que eres salvo para que salves a otros.

Pero es una pena que hoy en día muchos han dejado la verdadera tarea y han empezado a involucrarse en otras cosas que no glorifican el nombre del Señor.

1 CORINTIOS 12:12-13

Porque así como el cuerpo es uno y tiene muchos miembros, pero todos los miembros de ese cuerpo, siendo muchos, son un solo cuerpo, así también Cristo. Porque por un solo Espíritu fuimos todos bautizados en un solo cuerpo -judíos o griegos, esclavos o libres- y a todos se nos ha hecho beber de un mismo Espíritu.fuente.

Gracias por escucharnos.


Somos Herederos Del Padre
Somos Herederos Conjuntos Del Hijo
Somos Personas De Su Reino
Somos Familia, Somos Uno.

Somos Lavados, Somos Santificados.
Somos Limpiados Por Su Sangre.
Somos Nacidos Del Espíritu
Somos Hijos Del Señor.

Somos Miembros De Su Cuerpo.
Somos Objetos De Su Amor.
Somos Participantes De Su Santidad
Somos Ciudadanos Del Cielo Superior.

Participamos De Su Sufrimiento;
Somos Partícipes De Su Gracia.
Nos Encontraremos Con Él Para Ser Como Él
Le Veremos Cara A Cara.

Estamos Anhelando Su Venida
Estamos Mirando A Los Cielos;
Estamos Observando, Estamos Esperando,
Moraremos Con Él, Resucitaremos.

Reinaremos Con Él Para Siempre;
Los Hombres Y Los Ángeles Gritan Y Cantan.
Porque El Dominio Ha Sido Dado
A La Familia Del Rey.



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Wow, I’m motivated, you did so well 👏🏻👏🏻

Thanks for your comment @wealthwess

You’re welcome Julti 😊

Thank you @wealthwess

You’re welcome anytime 😊


You're right 👍. We are members, we are his people, citizens and we are participants and partakers of him (Jesus). Well-done dear

Nice presentation 🙂

Thanks for stopping by @mhizerbee

It's always your energy for me

We are definitely partakers and heirs to the kingdom of God

This is a beautiful piece
Keep it up boss

Thanks, friend @oladayo1