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RE: 🎵 “Our Lady Mother Nature” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 59

in Hive Open Mic4 years ago

Oh man, i just cant express with words how much i relate with your feelings, because i´m living a similar situation, i will not go into detail, all i´m going to say is that i shed a little tear reading your post, maybe two ... thank you for opening your heart to all of us like this, being honest, being true. Listening to your music is always inspiring, relaxing, the lyrics are so meaningful and the video is very well made too, you are a great example of what is being an artist! sending you a big BIG hug brother, stay strong, you a are a blessing to all of us, keep shining, keep healing through your music!


Aw, thanks for relating with me. It's good for us guys to cry, I think. Reminds us we have a sensitive side, and we have an inner child that really likes to be held, and cradled, and rocked, and sung to, and loved in all the ways. I trust we will get to wherever we wish to be as long as we honor ourselves and honor our paths, taking good care of our hearts. Hugs right back at you, brother.

Aw, gracias por relacionarte conmigo. Es bueno para nosotros llorar, creo. Nos recuerda que tenemos un lado sensible y que tenemos un niño interior al que realmente le gusta que lo carguen, lo acunen, lo mecen, le canten y lo amen en todos los sentidos. Confío en que llegaremos a donde queramos estar siempre que nos honremos a nosotros mismos y honremos nuestros caminos, cuidando bien nuestro corazón. Los abrazos de vuelta a ti, hermano.