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RE: Rough Cuts #4 - my cover of "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen

in Hive Open Mic8 months ago

Greetings brother! We have noticed that you have participated four weeks in a row, we are very happy, but you have not fulfilled our most important requirement, which is to indicate at the beginning of your video that it is an exclusive participation for the Hive Open Mic. It is necessary that you do it from now on, indicating the number of the week in which you are participating and your user name, it is our way to verify that it is a new video and that it is only used for our musical community.

Below you will find our Community Guidelines for you to know all the requirements and you can also see how the rest of the participants do it. We hope to see you next week fulfilling our requirements, have a nice day!


My apologies, I was simply trying to abide by the guidelines on the Community page, which were quite a bit less complex. I did not realize there was supposed to be a weekly theme, or an introduction requirement (which I'm vehemently against), or a requirement to produce your own backing music (which I do anyway), since so many of the posts seem to use karaoke tracks.

I thought the 'weekly participation' bit was more of a contest, which was why I labeled my posts as 'Rough Cuts', so as not to be confused with contest entries.

Sorry about the confusion, I will simply post my rough cuts to my blog until I can find a more suitable Community for them. I hope to produce some more polished videos later this year, which I will post in Hive Open Mic as a participant.

Thanks for the heads up, and for all you bring to Hive and 3Speak!

 8 months ago  

No problem with the music, you're doing great, we just ask that at the beginning of the video you say that it is an exclusive participation for the Hive Open Mic. We still recommend the sister Music Community for original music and covers outside of the Hive Open Mic dynamic, but we invite you to continue participating in our community by following these suggestions. Happy start of the week brother! ✌️