🎵 Hive Open Mic 86 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago
Authored by @Hive Open Mic

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.

Hive Open Mic 86

November 28-December 4, 2021


Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's international open mic event attracts 100+ musicians and thousands of listeners each week. Our virtual song circle reaches globally, while upholding the classic pattern of a traditional open mic event. At the end of each week, we celebrate the songs with a showcase, much like a live music concert.

All are welcome. We invite artists of every style and any skill level, providing a haven for creative expression and genuine connection. Here, we see real relationships building between music lovers worldwide. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are manifesting a live music movement, by sharing the gifts of musical performance and generous listening.

For the 86th week of Hive Open Mic, we will explore the following theme: "Joy to the World." This theme is selected by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @PeaQ, of Nigeria. Although she joined us only recently, we know her well as a kindhearted friend, and an extraordinary vocalist. Everyone is encouraged to share the collective current as we express and connect through: Joy to the World.


“Joy to the World”


This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Joy to the World.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists and share a common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.

85: Lindas Palabras ---> 86: Joy to the World ---> 87: [Unknown]

How To Play

1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week 86,” and your Hive username. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic community. Include the tag #openmic.
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments.


Hold On (Cover) by @mipiano
Feel (Original) by @holisticmom
Soaring (Original) by @joshuabbey
Gaviota / Seagull (Cover) by @davidcentenor
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver) by @zorajr and @armandolnrs
Con los Brazos al Cielo / With Arms to Heaven (Original) by @lecumberre
Cuando Llega La Marea / When The Tide Comes (Original) by @adreini
Be United As One (Original) by @rezasofyan
Mi Fe / My Faith (Original) by @jhoxiris
Heavily (Original) by @cabelindsay


Show your support by engaging with the musicians. The greatest gift you can give to an artist is your attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that you offer some friendly words. You can reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Your comment might be a vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!


In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.

Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.


Join in. Enjoy!

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Just what this community is all about, i think: Bringing joy to the world! it´s a very nice theme, where we can all express our unique way of bringing joy to the world through our songs and instruments, using the great blessing of music as a channel to spread happiness in all directions! congratulations to @peaq on being selected as spotlight artist and for selecting such a nice theme, greetings to all members of the community!

De qué se trata esta comunidad, creo: ¡Llevar alegría al mundo! es un tema muy bonito, donde todos podemos expresar nuestra manera única de llevar alegría al mundo a través de nuestras canciones e instrumentos, utilizando la gran bendición de la música como un canal para difundir la felicidad en todas las direcciones. felicitaciones a @peaq por ser seleccionado como artista destacado y por seleccionar un tema tan agradable, ¡saludos a todos los miembros de la comunidad!

It feels perfect to me. The spirit of Christmas is in the air, and so these words bring me to the beloved hymn. And the expression takes on a whole different meaning for me now, with this wonderful community and the joy it brings. I'm so impressed with our Spotlight Artist for giving us such a fitting theme to work with this week. May it bless us all with joy in our lives.

Me parece perfecto. El espíritu de la Navidad está en el aire, por eso estas palabras me llevan al amado himno. Y la expresión adquiere un significado completamente diferente para mí ahora, con esta maravillosa comunidad y la alegría que trae. Estoy muy impresionado con nuestro Artista de Spotlight por darnos un tema tan apropiado para trabajar esta semana. Que nos bendiga a todos con alegría en nuestras vidas.

Thank you @juliopalomo
@cabelindsay expressed this theme like she was in my heart when I chose it 😄

bravo @peaq ! You definately inspired me to be back for open mic this week! 😊 and congrats!

I definitely look forward to it 😊

nice theme from @peaq , congrats Peaq, this is my presentation for open mic 86

This is just so awesome.
Great performance as a whole.
You always bring the passion with you @donirosayandi

thank you @peaq , you are also growing and great

Hello my Hive Open Mic 86 presentation cover by @acaray song name: "Saydım" and song link : https://www.ecency.com/hive-105786/@acaray/puajfigh

You can watch my video :

Mi participación de esta semana, humildemente comenzando con la guitarra:

this is my introduction to this community


Yay, welcome to the Hive Open Mic community. Wishing you a warmth of friendship and a wealth of opportunity to express and connect. Thank you for being here, sharing your musical gifts.

Se de alguien que le encantará este concepto y diseño @paolazun

Oh, is she a cat lover? I am. I like to consider the animals as symbols of the spirit world, and I tend to resonate toward the wild cats.

Oh, ¿es una amante de los gatos? Yo soy. Me gusta considerar a los animales como símbolos del mundo espiritual y tiendo a resonar con los gatos salvajes.

I am 😻. In fact i have a cute zen cat Chiqui

Oh, so cute! Adorable. That name is a purrrfect match.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 21

Esta comunidad es de las más lindas y alegres de la plataforma. Felicitaciones y palabras de ánimo para ellos, y ue Dios les bendiga.

Thanks for saying so. It's really nice of you to notice the beauty and the cheer we find here. That's exactly what we're striving for. Wishing you joy.

Gracias por decirlo. Es muy amable de su parte notar la belleza y la alegría que encontramos aquí. Eso es exactamente por lo que nos esforzamos. Deseándote alegría.

Loving this week's theme! I'm all up to see what all of us will share this week, joy to everyone!!

Loving your enthusiasm, thanks for expressing yourself. It feels good to hold space for the joy to arrive in our lives through the music we create and cultivate.

Amando tu entusiasmo, gracias por expresarte. Se siente bien tener espacio para que la alegría llegue a nuestras vidas a través de la música que creamos y cultivamos.

Muy bien, alegría es lo que debe abundar en el mundo. Ahí le vamos.
¿Y qué decir de la belleza y simpatía del gato que ilustra la presentación?

Just a happy cat, purring. I feel it is appropriate as it shows the subtle joy a cat portrays through its voice. Prrr.

Solo un gato feliz, ronroneando. Siento que es apropiado ya que muestra la alegría sutil que un gato retrata a través de su voz. Prrr.

It has already been said, let's bring joy to the world, and what better way than with a song. successes for all members of this beautiful community.

Yes! I appreciate you, brother, for showing up with these timely comments and your tenderness behind them. Thank you for being such a strong and steady presence in this community.

¡Sí! Te agradezco, hermano, por aparecer con estos oportunos comentarios y tu ternura detrás de ellos. Gracias por ser una presencia tan fuerte y constante en esta comunidad.

Yay, thanks for being the first to share a song this week! You and your family are totally delightful, you know, and it feels like a shine a little brighter each time I hear you making music together.

¡Sí, gracias por ser el primero en compartir una canción esta semana! Tú y tu familia son totalmente encantadores, ya sabes, y se siente como un brillo un poco más brillante cada vez que los escucho hacer música juntos.

Supongo que se acerca el mes más activo en el año donde los sentimientos brotan como espumas para enaltecer la vida familiar y vecinal mundial. No queda dudas que diciembre nos eleva el espíritu de solidaridad, amor y por supuesto la humildad humana que no puede quedar fuera porque es el motor que mueve los sentimientos más noble y eleva la espiritualidad para seguir queriendo y amando al prójimo. Bendiciones y felicitaciones por ese tema tan arropante para la inspiración mundial de todos y todas las personas que queremos un mundo lleno de tranquilidad y armonía respetando nuestras diferencias. FELIZ NAVIDAD por adelantado.

I guess we are approaching the most active month of the year where feelings sprout like foam to enhance family and neighborhood life worldwide. There is no doubt that December raises our spirit of solidarity, love and of course human humility that cannot be left out because it is the engine that moves the noblest feelings and elevates spirituality to continue loving and loving our neighbor. Blessings and congratulations for this theme, which is so inspiring for the worldwide inspiration of all the people who want a world full of tranquility and harmony, respecting our differences. MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Hola amigo, es un placer estar visitando estos lados tan hermosos de la comunidad de Hive Open Mic, como siempre una increíble lista de talentos muy buenos que aquí hacen vida. Felicidades a todos los concursantes y buena suerte en todos sus proyectos. Trataré de subir mi entrada de esta semana lo más pronto posible, un fuerte abrazo amigo @cabelindsay y hasta muy pronto.

Hive Open Mic 86 ❤ "The music of separation"Jodi Vhula Jao - cover ‍song Click Here

I look forward to this week's beautiful entries.
Hive Open Mic Community is top of my favorite and has brought great joy to me since my journey on Hive started.

I am glad to see us bring joy to this world through our songs. I wish everyone the very best.
@cabelindsay keep being an epitome of an exceptional being ❤️.

Very nice topic! Am excited to hear all the entries :D

Greetings and successes for the great #openmic family in its week 86, here is my entry for this week:

My Creed
(Fixed link)

It's so beautiful to be back here
It's been long I participated in the weeks theme due to some engagement, but I am happy to be back.
Check this out @cabelindsay @mipiano @appreciator

This is my song for week 86.
I wanted to try singing a Christmas song this week. This is "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey.

Season's Greetings and all the best for the Holidays :).

Season greetings from the Christmas Cabin.I'm taking a shot at Queens "Thank God Its Christmas" this week.

Ive had alot of fun learning this one :)

I felt such a great connection to this theme that tears of joy came to my eyes.

Coincidentally this week I met the great reader that is @PeaQ and I knew she sings beautiful but not that she is an artist. Wuaoo I am so excited I will be working on my presentation tomorrow. Thank you. @cabelindsay @mipiano @PeaQ to all the curators and thanks to the whole community.

Sentí una gran conexión con esta temática que se me salieron las lágrimas pero de alegría.

Casualmente esta semana conocí la gran lectora que es @PeaQ y sabía que canta hermoso pero no que es una artista. Wuaoo estoy tan emocionada que mañana trabajare en mi presentación. Gracias. @cabelindsay @mipiano @PeaQ a todos los curadores y gracias a toda la comunidad.

@soyunasantacruz Looking forward to your amazing performance 😊

Hi thank you very much, I wanted to record today but I woke up with allergies and a stuffy nose. Tomorrow, God willing, I will be fine. Thank you very much. 😘🤗

Oh love, I am battling the same thing.
Cracked voice, injured throat from singing in a concert, and cold.

You will be fine.
Sending you hugs and warmth 💛

Amen thank you, 🤗😘 take care of yourself.

I must say that this is a reminder that Christmas is around the corner. This week will be great for musicians

May this joys spread far and wide.
Congrats @PeaQ
This is well deserved.

Thank you for your kind words 😊

Qué bien por ese tema. Muy amplio para encontrar muchas canciones y alegrar al mundo.

How nice for that theme. Very broad to find many songs and cheer up the world.

Hola soy el usuario lara2661175 por aqui les dejo mi enlace

Gracias por estos temas tan inspiradores! Aquí dejo mi entrada:


Hola queridos amigos del open mic aca les dejo mi participacion de esta semana, espero la disfruten.!


hola a todos mis amigos esta cita para esta semana sera divertida, por aqui esta mi participacion, saludos y exitos para todos

Hola amigas, amigos y familia del hive Openmic en su Week 86 como están?
éste... https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@colorcareer/hive-openmic-week-86-alegria-para-el-mundo-hay-momentos-que-no-deberian-terminar-colorcareer

Esta es mi entrada espero que les guste

nice theme this week @peaq, congratulations... this is my presentation for open mic week 86 :)

This is one of my favorite songs from Westlife.
It's so refreshing to listen to and you brought that feel with it in your performance.

Lovely performance @kemal13

Thank you so much. appreciated it... :)

Hola buen día Tengo el placer de hacer mi entrada en la semana 86. https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@ronymaffi/xkawjolj

Hola muchachos! Este cover es muy especial para mi por el acabado final tanto del tema como del video y deja en claro cual es el norte en cuanto a este concepto electro/acustico. Espero disfruten tanto como yo disfrute haciendo esto para ustedes.


Hello friends, here my video for this week c:
↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓

hola amigos de hive open mic aca les dejo mi entrada espero les guste.

Greetings to all the community, I leave my participation of the week, thank you for your support. @hiveopenmic

Saludos a toda la comunidad, dejo mi participación de la semana, gracias por su apoyo.

blog: https://hive.blog/hive-105786/@soyunasantacruz/bxhckmwm

Hello everybody! This is my contribution for the week. I hope you enjoy! https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@georgerandom/hmjrtuwz

Hola queridos amigos! les presento mi entrada:

Bendecida noche amigos de Hive Open Mic, aquí les dejo mi entrada para esta semana #86
Esther 86.jpg

Saludos aquí les dejo mi entrada, para contribuir con la alegría de la plataforma, está es mi forma de decir presente en la comunidad, con alegría y mucho humor, espero que lo disfruten.


Hola amigos, por aquí les dejo mi entrada en el concurso mi nombre de usuario @carlosehijos55

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