🎵 Hive Open Mic 178 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago
Authored by @Hive Open Mic

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.

🎵 Hive Open Mic 178

September 4-9, 2023


Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's weekly live music celebration reaches musicians and listeners globally on a virtual stage, upholding the classic pattern of an open mic event. At the end of each week, we enjoy a community concert, highlighting a Spotlight Artist.

Our song circle is a place of belonging for anyone who appreciates live music. Our creative space offers a chance to build real relationships worldwide between music fans and musicians of every style and any skill level. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are co-creating a more harmonious world by sharing the joys of music.

For Hive Open Mic 178, we will explore the following theme: "People." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @benii. Everyone is encouraged to express and connect through: People.


Art by @cabelindsay, royalty free for the Hive Open Mic community


This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “People.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists, sharing common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.

177: Praise ---> 178: People ---> 179: Urban Music

How To Play

1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week [1],” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments. community. Include the tag #openmic.


Edekia (Original)
Bringer of Dawn (Original)
Sura (Original)
Esta Bella Noche / This Beautiful Night (Cover)
Donde Estará Mi Primavera / Where is My Spring (Cover)
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver)
Llegó el Momento / Time Has Come (Original)
Los Tres Vagones (Original)
Anhelo / I Long (Original)
Surprise Yourself (Cover)
Hello (Cover) by @auelitairene by @cabelindsay by @osomeltrozo feat. @dealtokilate by @esteliopadilla by @musicandreview by @zorajr and @armandolnrs by @fernanblog by @jpulido0306 by @naradamoon by @ebingo by @peaq


The greatest gift we can give to an artist is our attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that everyone offer some friendly words. Reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Our comments might be the vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!


In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.

Thank you to all the curation projects that reward our musicians with generous upvotes. Gratitude goes to every musician who expressed, plus every listener who connected through comments, upvotes, claps, and finger snaps. Thanks to all music lovers. May the harmonizing power of music generate peace around the world. So be it.


Join in and enjoy!


Esta temática es bastante interesante, ya que las personas somos tan complejas y diferentes, que es difícil centrarse en una solo característica, suena a que serán muchas las propuestas interesantes para esta semana. Un abrazo.

Espero participar pronto. Que tengan todos una bonita semana :) <3

Feliz domingo, aquí les comparto mi entrada, un abrazo 🌟


Interesante temática amigos... Veamos que les comparto en esta edición de Hive Open Mic

Saludos :)

Bendiciónes para todos hermanos, espero que tengamos una excelente semana en nuestra gran comunidad, se les aprecia a todos, todos son super recontra mollejuos y excelentes, Saludos a todos

Feliz semana para todos, por acá dejo mi participación


Una temática muy abierta, así que habrá mucho que ver esta semana.

A very open theme, so there will be a lot to see this week.


For anybody who would like some ideas, I have started sharing a weekly post on the three songs I would potentially choose for the Hive Open Mic theme of the week... every Tuesday. Here's the one for this week!


Saludos a todos mis apreciados amigos. No estoy seguro pero intentaré subir mi presentación. Estoy buscando solución definitiva para activarme con frecuencia. Abrazos.

Hola hola a todos mis queridos amigos, por aquí les comparto mi participación para la semana. Saludos.



saludos amigos de esta bella comunidad del hive, aquí les dejo mi interpretación de esta semana 178, espero les guste.



Hello everyone, here's my entry for the week....

Thank you for this privilege @hiveopenmic . Can't wait to see and hear everyones entry and your interpretation of the theme🌹🌹

Hola familia musical. Les comparto mi entrada de esta semana.

This is a nice theme. I congratulate us all for the good work. This is my entry for week


Greetings and blessings to my dear @hiveopenmic Community, I have been a bit absent due to health issues. However, I hope to be able to participate in this opportunity. I wish you all the best of success..... Big hug!

Saludos y bendiciones para mi querida Comunidad de @hiveopenmic, he estado un poco ausente por problemas de salud. Sin embargo, espero poder participar en esta oportunidad. Les deseo el mayor de los éxitos... Gran abrazo!

Hola amigos esta es mi partición de esta semana 178


Hi dear Community! Here my presentation. God bless you!


hive open mic #178.jpg

Hola, comunidad. En esta semana 178 es la temática "Gente" el punto en común entre las participaciones. Temática seleccionada por nuestra Artista Destacada@benii.

Deseo compartir con ustedes una canción titulada "Alabo Tu Bondad", cuya letra comienza diciendo: "Todo mi ser canta hoy por las cosas que hay en mí..." y es que todo lo bueno que se pueda encontrar en la gente - comenzando por su propio existir - le ha sido provisto por el Creador.

Hello community. In this week 178, the theme "People" is the common point between the participations. Theme selected by our Spotlight Artist @benii.

I want to share with you a song entitled "Alabo Tu Goodness", whose lyrics begin by saying: "My whole being sings today for the things that are in me..." and that is that all the good that can be found in people - beginning by its own existence - it has been provided to it by the Creator.


Podríamos pasar muchos mensajes a través de este tema.

Aquí está mi entrada para esta semana.


Mi entrada para esta semana.
Estoy muy agradecida por todo.

My entry for this week.
I am very grateful for everything.

Mirar aqui.

Look here.

Saludos para todos, les comparto mi interpretación con la trompeta de una bella canción titulada "Wake Me Up When September Ends" de Green Day https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@yisusth/ivunvzqb

Happy weekend, Hive Open Mic community 🎤 This is my entry for the week's theme:


Personas. Este mundo está lleno de ellas... Siempre en constante movimiento con pequeños o grandes pasos (cada una baila a su propio ritmo). Orientados en sus metas (para bien o para mal).

Sus días transcurren entre vivencias, experiencias, conocimientos y compartires. En todo momento son participes sus manos. Para hacerse sentir, sellar tratos y generar cambios en la sociedad (para mejor o peor). Es la dualidad del nunca acabar... Solo importa decidir en cómo usar las tuyas. Esas manos que estoy segura que podrás utilizarlas para grandes cosas y hermosos propósitos de vida y que sin duda alguna impactara en otros. 🌹💖

People. This world is full of them... Always in constant movement with small or big steps (each one dances to its own rhythm). Oriented in their goals (for better or worse).

Their days pass between experiences, experiences, knowledge and sharing. Your hands are involved at all times. To make themselves felt, seal deals and generate changes in society (for better or worse). It is the duality of never ending... It only matters to decide how to use yours. Those hands that I am sure you will be able to use for great things and beautiful life purposes and that will undoubtedly impact others. 🌹💖


Hola, espero poder participar después de tanto tiempo!!

Am glad to be part of this week's concert, am sorry to drop my entry late my network was messy

I hope you love this entry too
