Brother, without a doubt, music is what unites us, no one can stop that; the power we emit when we join our hearts to play and sing a song at the Hive Open Mic, is without a doubt an immense spark of light that I am sure that from space can be felt since we all unite by the same feeling, by the same vibration, by the same tuning and synchrony... we create such a powerful energy that we reach every corner of the planet... if we radiate so much power here, imagine what we would do all together in a live community concert in some country of the world, we would make history 🙏🌎🌍🌏☮️🕊️💖!!!!
For me it has been an honor to meet you Cabe, you are one more brother, this idea that has become the union of many souls, transcends in my life; I feel a great commitment to this family and I also feel responsible for the success of all, here no one fails, just learns and I personally have grown as a musician and as a human being much more!
When I think of Hive, always comes to my mind first the Hive Open Mic, when I do not participate I feel a temporary emptiness, because there are times for a while now that I have not been able to be as before, but when I show up I feel like a Rockstar, I give 100% of my talent for everyone to have a great time!!!!
Thank you for everything Cabe, I think the song you bring is beautiful, I feel it as a strong healing ritual, I felt you free and filling your spirit with the strength of the earth and the infinite ✨🌟🌌... you are a beautiful human being and I thank life for having you as a reference every time I think of those 2 words that became our flag: Global Harmony 👍!!!
Have a happy new year full of love, and may God continue to bless your path on this planet so you can be happy and continue to make those around you happy, you are great Cabe, love you man 🤜🤛... You Rockkk!!!! 🙌😀💛