HIVE OPEN MIC week 230 The crazy week. Vive la vida loca (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

Al leer la temática bonse me ocurrió otra canción para esta semana, tampoco creo haberla hecho antes para hive, apenas inicia mi semana por lo menos en lo laboral y espero se mantenga tranquila, pero si he tenido semanas locas y casi siempre soy el responsable de que así sea.
When I read the theme I couldn't think of another song for this week, I don't think I've done it before for hive either, I'm just starting my week at least for work and I hope it stays quiet, but I've had crazy weeks and I'm almost always responsible for it.
Hello beautiful people of the HIVE OPEN MIC community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in week 230 which is titled The crazy week. I wanted to make a song according to the theme, I think and I hope I have not done it before in Hive, I try not to repeat the same ones, I ended up with no more options in my head to do this week, I want to continue with the dynamic of using an artist of my musical week, so for another community and I already have an idea of what other song to use for the other musical community that I participate, I was surprised with what in comparison to past weeks was easier, the lyrics were easy and I even liked how I listened to them, in my opinion it turned out well, I continue with the same dynamic of not practicing it as much as I should, due to lack of time, this is the song popularized by the famous pop singer Ricky Martin, known as "Livin' la vida loca". I feel that I enjoyed making this song and that there couldn't be a better song for the theme, if I liked the overall result, I still respect if you don't feel the same way.

Estoy ya casi a nada de mi cumpleaños y últimamente no siento la emoción de cuando era más joven, dejaré que la vida me sorprenda y capaz termine siendo divertidisimo, si no pasa también es bueno, ahora solo disfruto de la tranquilidad, que si estar echado en cama, viendo televisión, audiovisuales en las otras pantallas y comer algo.
I'm almost to my birthday and lately I don't feel the excitement of when I was younger, I'll let life surprise me and maybe it will end up being a lot of fun, if it doesn't happen it's also good, now I just enjoy the tranquility, lying in bed, watching television, audiovisuals on the other screens and eating something.
Si me gusta el artista que elegí para finalizar mis 30 e iniciar los 31, no tengo muy en claro que otra canción usar para la otra comunidad, pero tengo como tres opciones, pero terminar eligiendo la que quede mejor, no es que sea perfeccionista con mi voz o simplemente no subiera contenido musica, ya acepte que no tengo talento para la música, pero intento disfrutarla.

If I like the artist I chose to end my 30's and start my 31's, I'm not very clear on what other song to use for the other community, but I have about three options, but I end up choosing the one that looks best, not that I'm a perfectionist with my voice or just don't upload music content, I've accepted that I have no talent for music, but I try to enjoy it.
Intento dejar que todas las cosas en mi vida fluyan, capaz puede que intente forzar un poco las cosas, como con el post grado de Biología Marina o el intentar ser constante en Hive, pero lo que termine resultando, sé que sabré aceptarlo. Agradecido por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y de las malas que me he librado, por tu apoyo, espero tambien visites mis otros post, muchos éxitos con tu contenido y hasta la próxima semana.
I try to let all the things in my life flow, I might try to force things a little bit, like with the post degree in Marine Biology or trying to be constant in Hive, but whatever ends up turning out, I know I will know how to accept it. Grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have gotten rid of, for your support, I hope you also visit my other posts, many successes with your content and see you next week.

▶️ 3Speak
Hola Eudar, pues la canción te quedó genial, no desafinaste en los tonos altos y eso fue crucial porque este tema tiene lo suyo y no, revisé y no la has repetido; para saber si repites canciones, solo debes entrar desde una compu a Hive por Ecency y en la pestaña de publicaciones aparece un buscador, ahí ingresas el título de la canción y listo, te sale un historial que te indica si ya antes la habías subido o no. Saludos amigo 👍... You Fuc&%$ Rockkkk!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯
Tremendo temazo 💥, quedó muy acorde con el tema de esta semana 👊.
Está canción es la recuerdo de mi infancia, hoy haz desbloqueado ese recuerdo. Buena entrada amigo ❤️🫂.
Indeed incredible
You never seize to do incredible covers
Great job dear 😊
Hello @eudarcabello ita been a while I saw you around. It's nice to watch you man. This is so passionate and lovely. Bravo man