HIVE OPEN MIC week 229 Photograph. Fotografía (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

La verdad para esta semana en las comunidades musicales quise hacer canciones popularizadas por Christina Aguilera, para esta comunidad lo más parecido a la temática se me ocurría hacer mi reflejo y para la otra tenía más opciones, ya que es más libre, así que tenía monton de opciones, pero la canción para esta comunidad ya la he hecho y hasta capaz dos veces. Al final para seguir la temática mejor terminé eligiendo al artista de la semana al cantante colombiano Juanes y esta canción muy popularizada por él.
The truth for this week in the musical communities I wanted to do songs popularised by Christina Aguilera, for this community the closest thing to the theme I could think of was to do my reflection and for the other one I had more options, as it is freer, so I had a lot of options, but the song for this community I have already done it and I have even done it twice. In the end to follow the theme I ended up choosing the artist of the week, the Colombian singer Juanes and this very popular song by him.
Hello beautiful people of the HIVE OPEN MIC community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in the 229th week which is titled Photographs. I wanted to make a song according to the theme, I think if I did it once in Hive, I try not to repeat the same ones, I ended up with no more options in my head to do this week, I want to continue with the dynamic of using an artist of my musical week, so for another community with the songs of this Colombian singer, I was surprised with what it half cost me, but in my opinion it turned out well, I continue with the same dynamic of not practicing it as much as I should, due to lack of time, it is the song popularized by the famous pop singer Juanes, known as "Photography". I feel I enjoyed making this song, I feel that there can't be a better song for the theme, I liked the result in general, I respect if you don't think the same.

Extraño volver a clases de canto, se que no es lo mío, ya que aun cuando intentaba ponerle todo de mi solo logre pocos progresos, que ahora sin más clases o prácticas los perdí. Juanes es un artista que me encanta y capaz sea por su voz que suena un poco nasal, lo cual puedo identificarme por que yo si a parte de ser de todo lo malo que tambien tengo, mi voz nasal puede ser perturbadora, así que si podía tener una voz nasal que suene bien de referencia, sería sin dudas Juanes.
I miss going back to singing lessons, I know it's not my thing, because even when I tried to give it my all I made little progress, and now without more lessons or practice I've lost it. Juanes is an artist that I love and maybe it's because of his voice that sounds a bit nasal, which I can identify with because I have a nasal voice that can be disturbing, so if I could have a nasal voice that sounds good as a reference, it would be Juanes without a doubt.
En mi vida personal actualizando como van las cosas, ya me enteré que los del postgrado estan de vacaciones y regresan a finales de septiembre, así que intentaré dejar en pausa mi entusiasmo y esperar a esas fechas a ver su respuesta si entraré a este nuevo grupo para el postgrado. De no quedar en el postgrado, ya le dije al jefe que quiero vacaciones a finales de septiembre, así que como sea mis vacaciones serán aprovechadas, así sean para iniciar con fuerza el postgrado o para descansar de lo pesado que esta resultando el trabajo.

In my personal life updating how things are going, I have already found out that the postgraduate students are on holiday and will be back at the end of September, so I will try to put my enthusiasm on hold and wait until then to see if I will join this new group for the postgraduate course. If I don't stay in the postgraduate course, I've already told the boss that I want a holiday at the end of September, so I'll make the most of my holiday, whether it's to start the postgraduate course or to take a rest from the heavy workload.
Intento dejar que todas las cosas en mi vida fluyan, capaz puede que intente forzar un poco las cosas, como con el post grado de Biología Marina o el intentar ser constante en Hive, pero lo que termine resultando, sé que sabré aceptarlo. Agradecido por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y de las malas que me he librado, por tu apoyo, espero tambien visites mis otros post, muchos éxitos con tu contenido y hasta la próxima semana.
I try to let all the things in my life flow, I might try to force things a little bit, like with the post degree in Marine Biology or trying to be constant in Hive, but whatever ends up turning out, I know I will know how to accept it. Grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have gotten rid of, for your support, I hope you also visit my other posts, many successes with your content and see you next week.

▶️ 3Speak
Esta canción me recuerda la época en la que estuvo de moda. Tremendo tema en colaboración con Nelly Furtado.
Éxitos en tus estudios de postgrado.
tiempo sin escucharte! te quedo genial bro!