HIVE OPEN MIC week 228 Songs of freedom. No me compares (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

Suelo ahora semanalmente usar el mismo artista para mos comunidades musicales donde participo, cuando lo elegí lo hice pensando en la temática de esta comunidad, no le presté tanto a la letra, pero me daba ña vibra que encajaría perfectamente con la temática que se esta siguiendo para esta semana en esta comunidad.
I now use the same artist weekly for our music communities where I participate, when I chose it I did it thinking about the theme of this community, I didn't pay so much attention to the lyrics, but it gave me the vibe that it would fit perfectly with the theme that is being followed for this week in this community.
Hello beautiful people of the HIVE OPEN MIC community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in week 228 which is titled Songs of freedom. I wanted to make a song according to the theme, I think if I did it once in Hive, I try not to repeat the same, I had no more options in my head at the beginning to do this week, I wanted to continue with the artist of my last post for another community with the songs of this Spanish singer, I was surprised with what it cost me half, but in my opinion it turned out well, I continue with the same dynamic of not practicing it as much as I should, due to lack of time, it is the song popularized by Alejandro Sanz, known as "Don't compare me". I feel I enjoyed doing this song, I needed it to escape from the bad energy that has been felt with some people and especially at work at the moment, if I liked the result in general, I still respect if you don't think the same.

Sinceramente no me sabía la letra de la canción, lo que más crei conocer era el coro, pero bueno me di cuenta que no era tan así. Me ha costado hacer las canciones de este artista, tampoco esperaba saliera perfecta al tener claro que no conocía tanto la canción, solo que pensaba inicialmente que la conocia un poco mejor.
I honestly didn't know the lyrics of the song, what I thought I knew the most was the chorus, but I realised that it wasn't that way. It was hard for me to do the songs of this artist, I didn't expect it to be perfect because I didn't know the song that well, I just thought initially that I knew it a little better.
Sigo en momentos tensos en el trabajo, por lo cual es que esta tematica no pudo caer mejor que sirve de catarsis y liberarme un poco de lasañas vibras que he sentido. Reconozco que no soy una blanca paloma, si soy algo conflictivo, pero si veo que se hacen las cosas mal, lo hago ver, si no quieren lo haga en privado, termino haciendome escuchar, pediré mis vacaciones pronto así tengo mas tiempo para dedicarle más tiempo a hive y a pesar de cada vez calmarse las cosas en la oficina, ya con mi regreso todo lo que sientan deba sanar, sanen.

I am still in tense moments at work, which is why this topic could not have been better to serve as a catharsis and to free me a little from the bad vibes I have felt. I recognize that I am not a white dove, if I am somewhat conflictive, but if I see that things are done wrong, I do it, if they do not want to do it in private, I end up making myself heard, I will ask for my holiday soon so I have more time to devote more time to hive and despite increasingly calm things in the office, and with my return everything you feel should heal, heal.
Intento dejar que todas las cosas en mi vida fluyan, capaz puede que intente forzar un poco las cosas, como con el post grado de Biología Marina o el intentar ser constante en Hive, pero lo que termine resultando, sé que sabré aceptarlo. Agradecido por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y de las malas que me he librado, por tu apoyo, espero tambien visites mis otros post, muchos éxitos con tu contenido y hasta la próxima semana.
I try to let all the things in my life flow, I might try to force things a little bit, like with the post degree in Marine Biology or trying to be constant in Hive, but whatever ends up turning out, I know I will know how to accept it. Grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have gotten rid of, for your support, I hope you also visit my other posts, many successes with your content and see you next week.

▶️ 3Speak
Your Energy is Amazing, and you sang so well,
Well done👍
Thanks so much sir
Vamos amigo mío! Se que en ocasiones, en los lugares de trabajo suelen haber tensión por cosas, pero siempre habrá una luz al final del tunel.
Elegiste una exelente canción para liberarte de todo ese estrés que te deja el trabajo. Y déjeme decirte que hiciste bien en tomarte unas vacaciones.
Aún no las tomo, pero pronto. Gracias por el apoyo.
Beautiful presentation, keep it up
Thanks so much princess