hello hive community friends, this time I will follow the hive open mic for the 75th week with the theme "Madurez Digna." it's been a great week for me. I brought a song from a famous musician in Indonesia, he is named @iwanfals, this song tells about the maturity of people who have the spirit to rule the world. This is a pop rock song. very legendary in my country I hope this song can be heard by the whole world through this amazing community. this is the lyrics of a song called bento
my name is realeste house bento
my car has a lot of wealth
people call me executive boss
top character above all. fun.....
my face is handsome a lot of savings
once lyric is okay
my business butchers anything
the important thing i'm happy i won
fuck people it's hard because of me
say my name three times bento bento bento funkk
that's an amazing lyric piece from @iwanfals original music, hopefully this can inspire and become the best song on hive mic this week 75
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Hi, it's good to hear you expressing yourself so well, and I'm happy to begin knowing you in this way. I like this songwriter of this song, and in fact we have a couple of good musicians who share his songs with us in the Hive Open Mic community. Wishing you a warm welcome here.
Thanks for your apreciation ,