Hive open mic week 221/∆\ YAWEH BE LIFTED HIGH cover

in Hive Open Mic9 months ago

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Happy new month guys 🎉🎉, we are already half way to get out of this year, yeah it's like joke right, yesterday we were celebrating a new year and today we're celebrating our success through the middle of the year, all glory to God.

It's another week on the hive open mic with the theme DESIRE, the theme for this week is awesome yeah, kudos to the sportlight artist for this week. Indeed everyone have a desire or infact somany desires, that's humanity for you.

I did a cover of YAWEH BE LIFTED HIGH, by all nations music crew, I've heard quite a number of their songs and I think this song is one of my favorite. Their songs are edifying and impactful with lyrics that are simple to learn.

If God have really done all this marvelous things we must times boast of, then he deserves more than our praise, our praises could just be a one time thing and then we continue with our daily life but God deserves more than that, the least we can give him is a willing heart, if God owns our heart then he owns our praise forever. So for me my desire is to always lift the name of God high.

Finding the chords for this song wasn't that hard, haha I guess I'm improving, I was also able to strum and switch chords without looking at the fretboard, that's a great improvement for me and I hope to get better.


Feliz mes nuevo chicos 🎉🎉, ya estamos a mitad de camino para salir de este año, sí, es como una broma, ayer estábamos celebrando un nuevo año y hoy estamos celebrando nuestro éxito hasta la mitad del año, toda la gloria para Dios. Es otra semana en el micrófono abierto de Hive con el tema DESIRE, el tema de esta semana es increíble, sí, felicitaciones al artista de sportlight de esta semana. De hecho, todo el mundo tiene un deseo o, de hecho, tantos deseos, eso es humanidad para ti. Hice una versión de YAWEH BE LIFTED HIGH, del grupo musical de todas las naciones, he escuchado bastantes de sus canciones y creo que esta canción es una de mis favoritas. Sus canciones son edificantes e impactantes con letras fáciles de aprender. Si Dios realmente ha hecho todas estas cosas maravillosas de las que a veces debemos jactarnos, entonces él merece más que nuestras alabanzas, nuestras alabanzas podrían ser solo una vez y luego continuamos con nuestra vida diaria, pero Dios merece más que eso, al menos nosotros. Lo que podemos darle es un corazón dispuesto, si Dios es dueño de nuestro corazón, entonces es dueño de nuestra alabanza para siempre. Entonces para mí mi deseo es siempre llevar en alto el nombre de Dios. Encontrar los acordes para esta canción no fue tan difícil, jaja Supongo que estoy mejorando, también pude rasguear y cambiar acordes sin mirar el diapasón, eso es una gran mejora para mí y espero mejorar.

Designed via Canva

▶️ 3Speak


What a beautiful song brother!, besides, you interpret it with a lot of passion, congratulations. Singing and playing the guitar for you is so natural that it is impossible not to identify with your music, thank you for giving the best of you and for always seeking to improve your content... The video is very good, although I think you could improve it if you could find a more illuminated place to help the quality of the recording. Happy beginning of the middle of the year to you too, and thank you for sharing your content in Spanish, the Spanish speaking public will love it.

¡Que canción tan hermosa hermano!, además, la interpretas con mucha pasión felicitaciones. Cantar y tocar la guitarra para ti es tan natural que es imposible no identificarse con tu música, gracias por dar lo mejor de ti y por siempre buscar mejorar tu contenido... El video está muy bueno, aunque creo que mejorarías si pudieras encontrar un lugar más iluminado que ayude a la calidad de la grabación. Feliz inicio de la mitad de año para ti también, y gracias por compartir tu contenido en español, el público de habla hispana lo amará.

Thanks allot friend
Planning on getting a better light system

Nice one. We all lift HIS name hlgh

This is wonderful. I love the passion you give when you sing. Weldon job with your guitar.
Thanks for sharing

U got a nice voice dear

Lovely presentation Sir🌹🌹🌹
You're are doing great 👍
Well done 👍

I think many of us would like to play the guitar like that and have that voice with a very sweet delivery on stage. Keep growing my friend, it's always good to take recommendations. Cheers!

Sweet rendition. One thing we so desire is to lift God high now and always. Well done sir

amazing bro, cool song, and your wish is very touching, for believers we must exalt his name, God is with us forever

Love it bro keep it up

This is so lovely, bro. I enjoy the low octave of the song is sweet, and you are really improving on the guitar bro.

Keep it up bruh.😍

Wonderful presentation 👍
Thank you for sharing with us this beautiful song.
Yahweh,none besides you!!!
Well done 👍

You have a great voice and you did an amazing cover.

Well done dear, your presentation is always amazing 👏👏

Con buena actitud, tienes una excelente voz.. y además tocas muy bien la guitarra...
