🎵 “The Power is Here Now” (Cover) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 138

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.


Jeeze, are these magical times we're living in, or what?! This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: "Magic," and so it feels like the perfect time to learn a magic song. This one has been on my radar for a few years, resonating all the while, and then just a few days ago, I felt called to learn it for a fireside music jam.

The song is written by Alexia Chellun, and I highly recommend listening to her studio recording, and seeing her music video - exquisite! On Sunday morning, I was feeling delighted by life, and I danced to this song with ~200 friends. In the evening, some of us met up for a potluck and song circle, and many of us reflected that this song touched our hearts. So I learned it real quick and invited everyone to sing with me. Wow. Powerful.

I feel so blessed to be here in Austin, Texas, where I belong to a flourishing ecstatic dance community. Are you familiar with ecstatic dance? In my understanding, it is an ancient practice of free-form movement to music. To me, it brings me out of my head and into my body, where I honor my inner child.

From the periphery, I've gotten to know this song mainly through my kids' mom, who is one of my best friends in life. I've listened to the song dozens of times second-hand, through her, and recognizing in its pretty melody and message, and also in its invitation to sing along. And now that I'm admiring the song first-hand and beginning to carry it for others to jump in, I really feel the magic in it.

Sing with me, will you? Let's all learn it! I feel the harmonizing and unifying force in it.

The Power is Here Now

The power of love is here now
The power of now is here now
The power of you and me is here
To create magic on earth

Let the water wash away your tears
Let the fire burn away your fears
Let the wind blow into your life such faith and trust
Let the earth hold you take care of you and nurture you

Words and music by Alexia Chellun.




Hive Open Mic - Week 138 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Magic." We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!


Enjoy? Join in.


This is the song I sing when I need to bring more balance into my life, high up in the mountains, I sing to the immense sky. Such a beautiful and powerful song, and so wonderful to hear you sing it. Xxxx

Sisterlove! So happy hearing from you. Thanks for your note. Me too, this song is a total joy. Which mountains do you belong to? I was just out East, visiting a friend, and fell in love with the Appalachian Range for the first time. I guess I'd only spent time in the Rockies before. Sending you a great big hug.

I was just about to tag you 🥰❤️

The power of love is here now
I like this word. I believe you will do good work.

Thanks for your note. Wishing you a wonderful day.

love it, so great to hear your voice, this is inspirational.

Yay, thanks for your note. I'm really happy to hear from you. Feels good to come back and connect with a friend. Sending you a hug.

Maravilloso hermano 💯❤️💥 estaba ansioso esperando verte nuevamente ❤️ me encanta como interpretas este cover con una buena ejecución y voz, transmites mucha magia✨. Me alegra verte nuevamente y espero estés muy bien. Un abrazo.

Wonderful brother 💯❤️💥 I was looking forward to seeing you again ❤️ I love how you interpret this cover with a good execution and voice, you transmit a lot of magic ✨. It's nice to see you again and I hope you're doing well. A hug.

Really glad to connect with you today, and hear your great musicianship. Feels like a gift to receive this sweet note from you too. Thanks for being a brother to me, and connecting through the songs we share.

Realmente me alegra conectarme contigo hoy y escuchar tu gran maestría musical. Se siente como un regalo recibir esta dulce nota tuya también. Gracias por ser un hermano para mí y conectarme a través de las canciones que compartimos.

Greetings friend @cabelindsay , I haven't seen you here for a long time. I hope you are very well! A hug bro. 🤗

Feels good to be back! Thanks for your hug, and I'm sending one right back your way. Wishing you joy.

It's amazing what music can do, this song touched me deeply with its simplicity but with its deep message of love, I loved how you played and sang this song.

Thank you, sister. Yes, I am with you in cherishing this song. Both the melody, the message, and the total energy of it feels so enlivening to me.

What a beautiful song. Your right hand technique caught my attention, something sublime for a sublime song. Power is love. Bravo!

Thanks so much for noticing my fingerpicking technique. It means a lot to receive a compliment from such a fantastic musician. Yes, the song is sublime, wow, I love it.

hello my friend beautiful song even when it is simple its lyrics express much more than what is written a giant hug and a thousand blessings 🤗🎸🎶

Yes, definitely. The words are so simple, yet they are potent, high-vibe, and full of energy. Thanks for your note. Bless you too, brother.

very true my brother those words are powerful hehe blessings too 🤗🎸🎶

@cabelindsay oh! My I enjoyed listening to you as you sing.

I really love this song, it's so simple but it carries such great message.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece with us and thanks for singing it so well❤.

The power of you and me is here to create magic on earth 🌈💥🌟

The power of you and me is here to create magic on earth 🌈💥🌟

Yes! I love that. Sending you a hug, my friend.

It's so good to listen to you again 🙂
The song is so beautiful, I am listening to it for the first time and it is perfectly matching this magic topic :)

Thank you, my friend. So grateful to you (and the Hive Open Mic team) for carrying the torch! 🔥 Wow, it feels good to be here. And I feel grateful to the "Magic" Spotlight Artist @zullyscott for selecting a theme that seems divinely orchestrated.

Good job dear friend, you really did a good job bringing about this beautiful piece. Congratuletions

Hey thanks a lot. Beautiful compliment. Peace.

This song is great, the chorus is catchy, I sang it with you.
I'm not familiar with the ecstatic dance but I'm going to find out what it's all about.
Nice to hear you play and sing this afternoon.

Thanks for singing along! Yes, in fact I think that is what I love most about this song: The ease of entry. I'd like to carry more songs of this nature, with simple patterns that invite people to jump in and participate in the creation process. Hugs.

It's good to have you back, I noticed you've been away for a while.

It's the first time I'm listening to this song and it nice. You delivered it well with your soothing vocals.

Well done

Thank you. Yes, you're right, I'm just returning after several weeks away - my longest hiatus since the beginning. It feels good to be here! Feels good to connect with this lovely community. I'm cherishing these comments that heighten my feeling of brotherly and sisterly love across the world.

I'm just returning after several weeks away

I thought as much.

my longest hiatus since the beginning.

The break must have been important and I am sure it was worth it.

It feels good to be here! Feels good to connect with this lovely community. I'm cherishing these comments that heighten my feeling of brotherly and sisterly love across the world.

Yeah, welcome back.🙂

Hi, first of all i wanna say
: - you are handsome, (no homo)😅

  • you sing with a deep soul,
  • you are a good song writer

:) Thank you, brother. I greatly appreciate your words. Just so you know, I'm not the writer of this song. It is written by a songwriter called Alexia Chellun.

Soul brother, I will start with Alexia Chellun's video, I simply loved it, the landscapes, the movements, the serenity, the fluidity, the nature, the action with love... this is a lyrical mantra, it is very powerful, those voices in the background harmonizing the lyrics and her voice sound beautiful, it was a very cool experience; the ecstatic dance is very interesting, I searched about it and it is a very nice way to share healthy energy with others, the movements make it flow in a healthy and pleasant way, besides it has many therapeutic benefits, how good is this Cabe 💖!

After listening to Alexia I listened to you, I wanted to see and hear your magic through those beautiful and healing phrases, you always manage to transmit calm, love and brotherhood, I felt your presentation; you always feel what you do and that elevates the spirit and takes us to travel with you, at least with me you achieve it 👍 I congratulate you for this piece that disconnects from the everyday and connects us with our inner strength 🍀!!!

I send you a big hug dear brother, I love you very much, thank you for sharing your art and wisdom with us, you are the flame that lights the fire of the Hive Open Mic 🔥🔥🔥.... You Rockkk!!!! 🙌😀💛

Rock on! :) I treasure your presence in my life. These epic comments of yours are among the most meaningful and valuable to me, because they help me to feel the community spirit. A powerful force! You're an amazingly generous person with your time and energy. Thank you so much.

I love music and this is another song I enjoy listening to as you sing with a cool voice. The power of love is here now. We feel the magic when it´s true and pure love. Thanks for sharing this.

I'm grateful for the ways the music brings us together. Even as far apart as we are physically, we are spiritually sharing the same presence, and this is a beautiful beautiful thing. Thank you for connecting with me, sister.

Estimado amigo @cabelindsay, hermosa canción que en pocas palabras nos desucbre un gran secreto: el poder y la magia más poderosos son los que están contenidos en el amor. Me gustó mucho su interpretación y su suave forma de tocar la guitarra en esta canción en específico. Mil bendiciones para su vida y éxito siempre.

Dear friend @cabelindsay, beautiful song that in a few words reveals a great secret to us: the most powerful power and magic are those that are contained in love. I really liked your playing and smooth guitar playing on this specific song. A thousand blessings for your life and success always.

The most powerful power and magic are those that are contained in love.

Wonderful summary of this song. Thank you, my friend. Peace be with you.

El poder y la magia más poderosos son los que están contenidos en el amor.

Maravilloso resumen de esta canción. Gracias mi amigo. La paz sea con vosotros.

Dear Cabel, how interesting about the dance, I am a teacher of preschool children and there is nothing in the world more magical than to let oneself flow in a dance with the innocence of a child.

The lyrics of the song encapsulate everything I was dreaming of this week for this theme. The magic of Love transforms everything. The melody is beautiful. Thank you for letting your magic come out through your voice and the notes of your guitar. May the power of Love and its magic continue to be the path and goal of your heart. Cuddles

I loved this week's art, I don't know what your inspiration was but I felt so identified with it, in my times where I lived in LA GRAN SABANA, magical place, and I could bathe in the springs and feel that there were fairies, nymphs and gnomes playing around me. you are magical.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Querido Cabel , que interesante lo de la danza, soy maestra de niños en edad preescolar y no hay nada en el mundo más mágico que dejarse fluir en una danza con la inocencia de un niño.

La letra de la canción encierra todo lo que soñaba esta semana para este tema. La magia del Amor todo lo transforma. La melodía es hermosa. Gracias por dejar salir tu magia a través de tu voz y de las notas de tu guitarra. Que el poder del Amor y su magia sigan siendo el camino y la meta de tu corazón. Un abrazo

Amé el arte de esta semana, no sé en qué estuvo tu inspiración pero me sentí tan identificada con el , en mis tiempos donde vivia en LA GRAN SABANA, lugar mágico , y podía bañarme en los manantiales y sentir que habían hadas, ninfas y gnomos jugando a mi alrededor.Eres mágico.

Que sentimiento que entrega, te felicito, Muchas Bendiciones🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍

The magic of love transforms everything.

Yes! Your chosen theme is perfect. That's how you inspired the artwork here, and a wonderful array of music. You are magic, you know. Magic in your words, your voice... Thank you for bringing your magic in a way that encourages other people to bring theirs. Yes, and I'm sure La Gran Sabana was made even more magical with your presence there. Let's continue to look to the children and the fairies as examples for us as we uphold the spirit of love's magic!

La magia del Amor todo lo transforma.

¡Sí! Tu tema elegido es perfecto. Así es como inspiraste la obra de arte aquí, y una maravillosa variedad de música. Eres magia, lo sabes. Magia en tus palabras, en tu voz... Gracias por traer tu magia de una manera que anima a otras personas a traer la suya. Sí, y estoy seguro de que La Gran Sabana se hizo aún más mágica con tu presencia allí. ¡Sigamos mirando a los niños y las hadas como ejemplos para nosotros mientras defendemos el espíritu de la magia del amor!

Wow! But what a beautiful song, there is definitely a lot of magic in it. We heeded your recommendation and went to see and hear Alexia's song and it was a total delight, we are so grateful to have known this song.

It was good to have you back, we are happy that you are happy with your life, you know we always wish you the best in the world.

By the way, it looks like we both had to use the capo on the fourth fret for our performances 😄.

A big hug brother!

Oh, thanks for noticing that capo. That's encouraging to know that my kindred spirits in Venezuela finds their sweet spots with the support of a capo. It helps me a lot! Thanks for listening and resonating with the song. I'm sure it will bless you up just like it blesses me. It's a good one to sing with friends. Hugs!

Oh, gracias por fijarte en ese capo. Es alentador saber que mis almas gemelas en Venezuela encuentran sus puntos dulces con el apoyo de un capo. ¡Me ayuda mucho! Gracias por escuchar y resonar con la canción. Estoy seguro de que te bendecirá al igual que me bendice a mí. Es bueno para cantar con amigos. ¡Abrazos!

Blessings, brother.

How beautiful 💗

Bless you back, sis. ✨💛✨

When I knew that the 138th week would be about Magic I felt that you should participate, because it is what inspires those of us who know you through Hive. Your way of singing this song touches my soul, since my dad's accident I think what keeps me alive is the power of love and the magic that emerges from my little family nucleus. Thank you for so much beauty Cabe Lindsay! The 150th week is coming up, a common song with a powerful song like this wouldn't hurt...

What keeps me alive is the power of love...

I am totally with you in that thought, my brother. Yes, I think love is all we are. Yes, and I like your idea of singing a common song like this for the 150th week. Or maybe for the 144th week - that's a magical number to me. Thanks for thinking of me in relation to this week's theme.

Naturally your presentations are always magical, and this one is by far. I have always said that you have a voice with a lot of potential, with a lot of style and it sounds quite commercial. I had heard of the ecstatic dance a few years ago when a friend brought it to us and practiced it with us, it was like a way to release energy, it felt very good to do it. Maybe I'll put it into practice again. Nice to hear you bro. Greetings and infinite blessings. Total successes always

Happy to hear you had a chance to experience ecstatic dance. Yeah, I imagine you could start an ecstatic dance community, if that speaks to you. Thanks for listening and resonating. Hugs.

This is really soulful and beautiful man...you're such a pro at what you do🙌

Thanks, I'm learning. To me, this community is a wonderful place to practice creative expression and to feel the connection of likeminded people. I hope you feel these blessing with your own music too.

Awesome community, thanks for creating a beautiful platform as this...Blessings dear friend 🤍🙏

I certainly had no doubt listening to you with your great talent, but what I have missed the most is that sensation that you manage to cause with your music, today you connect with your guitar once again and give us a song full of nostalgia and for me there is no representation of love bigger than this Thank you very much for this, I feel blessed to listen to you once again.

Sin duda extrañaba escucharte con tu gran talento, pero lo que más he extrañado es esa sensación que logras causar con tu música, hoy te conectas con tu guitarra una vez más y nos regalas un canto lleno de nostalgia y para mi no hay una representación de amor más grande que esta. Muchas gracias por esto, me siento bendecida por escucharte una vez más.

A song full of nostalgia

It is beautiful of you to experience a remembrance of something special through this music. The song speaks to me in that way too, as if it returns me to that Home place where love is all that is.

Un canto lleno de nostalgia

Es hermoso de tu parte experimentar un recuerdo de algo especial a través de esta música. La canción también me habla de esa manera, como si me devolviera a ese Hogar donde el amor es todo lo que es.

Al parecer la magia de esta hermosa semana nos ha traído de vuelta a ambos hermano, me gusta mucho tu canción, siento en ella mucho poder curativo y eso es genial, mis más sinceras felicitaciones, bendiciones y abrazos

Oh good, I look forward to hearing your "Magic" song too. Sending a hug.

Oh bien, espero escuchar tu canción "Magic" también. Enviando un abrazo.

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Hola @cabelindsay, No importa si esta canción la subiste hace más de 10 días. yo simplemente la comparto, porque me genera quietud y paz. Disfruto de ella ahora :)

Hi @cabelindsay, It doesn't matter if you uploaded this song more than 10 days ago. I simply share it, because it generates stillness and peace. I enjoy it now :)

Muy bien 👍 es tranquilizante está melodía👏👏👏👏👏