Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.
Hive Open Mic 63
June 20-26, 2021
Our community's open mic event attracts 100+ musicians and thousands of listeners each week. We provide a haven for creative expression and genuine connection. All are welcome. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are building a live music movement, sharing songs with an international audience. Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision.
For the 63rd week of Hive Open Mic, we will explore the theme: "Storyteller," selected by Spotlight Artist: @celticheartbeat. He is one of our community's most devoted participants. He is a champion of the Irish folk song, which he often shares in his signature style: ultra-chill, like gently rolling ocean waves. This week, everyone is encouraged to share the collective current through the "Storyteller" theme.
This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Storyteller.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists and share a common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment.
How To Play
1. Produce - Introduce your video with the words: “Hive Open Mic Week [1],” stating your name and performing a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Enjoy harmony with the Hive community by engaging with musicians and music fans through upvotes and uplifting comments. community. Include the tag #openmic.
Feel (Original)
Soaring (Original)
Gaviota / Seagull (Cover)
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver)
Con los Brazos al Cielo / With Arms to Heaven (Original)
Cuando Llega La Marea / When The Tide Comes (Original)
Be United As One (Original)
Mi Fe / My Faith (Original)
Heavily (Original) by @mipiano by @holisticmom by @joshuabbey by @davidcentenor by @zorajr and @armandolnrs by @lecumberre by @adreini by @rezasofyan by @jhoxiris by @cabelindsay
We can all help support Hive Open Mic by acknowledging the creative spirit that is given so abundantly. Let's reward musicians by voting and commenting directly on music posts, showing our applause as if we're listening in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Tipping is greatly appreciated. These artists enliven Hive through their humming and buzzing!
In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.
Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.
Amplia gama de motivos cada semana. Contar un cuento una historia, y hasta una anécdota... todo es posible.
All possibilities are open. I'm really glad we opened the theme choice to our weekly Spotlight Artist, which gives us an array of flavors, and each one is tasty to me.
Todas las posibilidades están abiertas. Estoy muy contento de haber abierto la opción de tema a nuestro artista destacado semanal, que nos brinda una variedad de sabores, y cada uno de ellos es delicioso para mí.
Hola queridos amigos de #hiveopenmic que alegría participar de nuevo, por aquí les dejo mi entrada. Bendiciones!! wow that's a briliant theme! I agree, @celticheartbeat is an awesome artist. I will make some time to be present for this coming week's theme. Feeling excited in anticipation of all the awesome entries. xx 🤗🙏💚
Glad to know you'll be present with us, as your presence is a gift to us all! What a cool gal. A rad musician, a sister, a holistic mom... Delightful.
The excitement of a new week full of stories told through music begins ... It will be very interesting!
Comienza la emoción de una nueva semana llena de historias contadas a través de la música... ¡Será muy interesante!.
I agree, this will be an interesting week. I love the theme, and eagerly await the entries in the zone of storytelling.
Estoy de acuerdo, esta será una semana interesante. Me encanta el tema, y espero ansiosamente las entradas en la zona de la narración.
Cool theme! Lets see what stories come about!
Excelente tema para contar una historia puede ser de un sentimiento, suerte para todos los artistas participantes y que Dios los bendiga esta semana entrante! :)
Me encanta la temática de esta semana podemos sentirnos narradores de una historia de amor, podemos cantar un cuento , podemos hacer mucho con esto
Hola! Aquí mi presentación:
Me encanta el tema de esta semana! Lo mejor es que cada uno de nosotros somos narradores de nuestras propias historias a través de nuestra música y este es un maravilloso modo de compartirlas ... Prepararé mi entrada para esta semana
Interesante temática la de ésta semana! tengo algunos temas musicales en mente pero podrías darme algunas sugerencias amigo? otra cosa mañana hago el Top3 como siempre y doy un pequeño incentivo en $Hive a los seleccionados.
Woot I am excited for another week of hive open mic :)
I seem to have a pretty serious issue with my @celticheartbeat account. I can access it but I cant post anything to it...I've tried posting videos on threespeak which post to the 3speak platform but don't appear on my HIVE account. If I tried to post from Hive it just hangs up and never posts. Any clues why that is?
Oh, that's so weird. No, I haven't noticed any errors on my end. I'm using exclusively, so hopefully I'm not missing something. Thanks for keeping me informed about your situation. I trust it will resolve itself.
Is anyone else having a problem posting on
The posts I make there and on threespeak aren't showing on my account its been that way for a few days.
I was kinda panicking but everything seems fine over here on
Anyway this is my entry for this weeks Storyteller theme.Its a traditional Irish folk song called "The well below the valley".
Hello! This is my performance:
excellent topic for this week I will prepare my entry greetings
Hola❤️ A continuación comparto mi participación
Hola queridos amigos de hive y especialmente a esta comunidad "Open Mic" dond...
Hola amigos, es un placer para mi compartir con ustedes, una vez más, en este ambiente agradable Hive Open Mic. No hay palabras para expresar el propósito de la música, sin embargo, valen unas pocas notas musicales para narrar y contar toda una historia de vida. La canción con la que participo relata parte de mi mundo-vida cuando mi segundo hijo, Sebastian, era un chico muy introvertido pero, pero, al mismo tiempo, demostraba un gusto especial por la buena música; su mundo es mi mundo contado en una canción. Por aquí mi participación:
Estoy de vuelta! acá mi participación n.n!
Hola, amigos de #Hiveopenmic. Esta es mi entrada a la semana 63 "Cuentacuentos". Espero sea del agrado de todos ustedes. Gracias. Hello, #Hiveopenmic friends. This is my entry to week 63 "Storytelling". I hope it is to the liking of all of you. Thank you.
Mi entrada para esta semana MOTIVOS narrados para enamorar
Saludos. Les propongo una jornada especial de sólo canciones inéditas referente al tema que a bien se pueda proponer abren dos semanas para que haya una considerable participación. Pueden abrir la publicación un domingo y cerrarla en 15 días, claro sin dejar lo habitual de las semanas con su tema de presentación. Qué les parece? Por ejemplo, si el tema es referente al amor, que le compongamos al amor. Saludos.
Greetings. I propose you a special day of only unpublished songs concerning the theme that can be proposed, open two weeks so that there is a considerable participation. You can open the publication on a Sunday and close it in 15 days, of course without leaving the usual weeks with its theme of presentation. What do you think? For example, if the theme is about love, let's compose to love. Greetings.
Thank you for your thoughtful proposal. I like your idea. One of the reasons why we make it a weekly event is because of the way Hive handles the timeliness of posts. In the Hive blow, we only have one week of voting, which seems to be a working system for cycling old posts out and new posts in. So, I think we would keep the event a weekly occasion.
Your idea of giving more time for composing original songs makes good sense. One potential solution might be to promote the themes ahead of schedule, which will give people extra time to prepare. In our current system, the theme is chosen two weeks in advance, and so I think the simplest solution would be to make the announcement a week earlier. I'll just have to think about it some more, because I want to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible.
Gracias por su reflexiva propuesta. Me gusta tu idea. Una de las razones por las que lo convertimos en un evento semanal es por la forma en que Hive maneja la puntualidad de las publicaciones. En el golpe de Hive, solo tenemos una semana de votación, lo que parece ser un sistema de trabajo para eliminar publicaciones antiguas y publicaciones nuevas. Por lo tanto, creo que mantendríamos el evento como una ocasión semanal.
Tu idea de dedicar más tiempo a componer canciones originales tiene sentido. Una posible solución podría ser promover los temas antes de lo programado, lo que dará a las personas más tiempo para prepararse. En nuestro sistema actual, el tema se elige con dos semanas de anticipación, por lo que creo que la solución más simple sería hacer el anuncio una semana antes. Tendré que pensarlo un poco más, porque quiero que las cosas sean lo más simples y sencillas posible.
Espero que no interrumpa de algún modo el proyecto que vienen realizando. Puedes tomarlo la última semana de cada mes pero en preaviso a comienzo del mes para que nos vayamos preparando. Quizás la participación a principio sea moderada pero es importante para que generemos producciones que se conviertan en un banco de composiciones que animan al compositor a inventar dentro de lo posible según sea su talento o potencialidad. Creo que es preciso manejarlo con mucha paciencia. Sólo es una propuesta. Saludos.
I hope it does not interrupt in any way the project you have been doing. You can take it the last week of each month but in advance at the beginning of the month so that we can prepare ourselves. Perhaps the participation at the beginning will be moderate but it is important for us to generate productions that become a bank of compositions that encourage the composer to invent as much as possible according to his talent or potential. I think it is necessary to handle it with a lot of patience. It is only a proposal. Best regards.
Just following up with you to let you know I implemented your idea. I added a new line in our Sunday announcement post, so we can view the themes past present and future. Thanks for your suggestion.
Siempre consecuente con ustedes amigos. Saludos. Cuenten con mi aporte.
Always consistent with you friends. Best regards. Count on my contribution.
Buenas! Comparto mi presentación 🎼
Es un placer para mi, saludar a la Comunidad "Hive Open Mic" es mi ...
Hola familia Hive, cordial saludo para tod@s. Esta es mi presentación en Open Mic
Buenas noches familia hive, esta es mi entrada al Open mic # 63
Hola, nice to see you again on openmic contest ^_^
And this is my newest entry for Hive Open Mic Week #63
Hope you guys enjoy it, have a good day!!
hola hivers, aqui mi presentación💕
Dios les bendiga a todos, por aqui dejo mi entrada
Hola mi gente bella, aquí mi participación
Here's my entry. The connection finally gave the chance to upload the video:
Aqui mi entrada a la semana #63 querida comunidad.
My participation for this week 63, with love to everyone. ❤️
I hope we did everything right hahaa
this is the first time for me and @bbqgriffinwings to sing for #openmic :)
thanks for the opportunity!
This is my entry my friends!
Hola amigos. aca les dejo mi participacion en el concurso. espero sea de su agrado. bendiciones.
esta es mi participación de esta week
Hola amigos y compañeros, comparto aquí mi entrada de esta semana
Hello Friends and colleagues, I shared here my post this week
Saludo a todos mis amigos de #hiveopenmic. Esta es mi nueva entrada a la semana 63 "Cuentacuentos". Espero les agrade. Greetings to all my #hiveopenmic friends. This is my new entry to week 63 "Storytelling". I hope you like it.
Here’s my contribution for the week. Thank you for creating this awesome place to showcase my songs. hive openmic, this is my entry for week 63.
Hola compañeros, comparto con ustedes mi entrada para esta semana. Espero que les guste. ¡Saludos! morning to everyone in this beautiful community, this is our 63rd Hive Open Mic entry of the week.
Saludos querida comunidad, nuevamente me uno a ustedes esta semana
hola hermosa familia aqui les dejo mi entrada para esta semana... bendiciones para todos.
Hola amigos de Hive Open Mic, esta semana les traigo la historia de un amor
This is wonderful. Here is my entry for this week
this is my entry into week 63 . with love and good wishes for everyone,