🎵 Hive Open Mic 50 - “I Will Shine” (Original Song)

in Hive Open Mic4 years ago

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, inviting creative expression and genuine connection.


I'm excited to share this song for the first time. The lyrics are about shining the light I Am, in the afterlife. In this song's vision, I will shine for every last one of the various peoples across the world who I feel are deserving of my brightest love and respect: the Indigo child, the Aborigine, the Lakota unci (grandmother), the Maasai warrior, the bodhisattva, and the song carrier. Ultimately, all people are deserving.

In the documentation process, I'm trying some new techniques. The first difference is a looping station, allowing me to record a live drum track that loops while I play the guitar and sing. This recording is amplified, and enhanced with an effects pedal. I have room for improvement in the sound levels, as my vocals ought to be louder, but I'm learning. I also have some colored LED lights to present the music in a way that is appropriately cosmic.

I Will Shine

An honor song for a warrior of the light

When my heart goes still
And my family is crying
I will show up shining
By the power of my will

[I will shine] for the last Indigo child
To ride the Amazon

When my Earth walk ends
And my service is done
I will work for wonder
As my sky walk begins

[I will shine] for the last Aborigine
To walk about the Outback

When I lose my life
And my soul goes home
I will hold my glow
Like a firefly

[I will shine] for the last Lakota unci
To beautify the Rockies

When I find rebirth
In the afterlife
I will go to the heights
With a memory of the Earth

[I will shine] for the last Maasai warrior
To stand in the savanna

When I am aware
Of my heavenly existence
I will move with forgiveness
Featherlight in the air

[I will shine] for the last bodhisattva
To climb the Himalayas

When I am a star
In a faraway place
I will focus all my rays
To travel to where you are

[I will shine] for the last song carrier
To sing to the sea



Hive Open Mic - Week 50

Hive Open Mic - Week 50 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Be Reborn.” We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!

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About Me

I am a star child, ultra-fly and down-to-earth, making films with Arise and songs with Cosmic Butterflies. My latest completion is a Rock album called "Colors Flying," to be released this Spring. My greatest achievement is my role as a rad daddy to three incredible kids.


You are trying new fields, great. Amlified sound, lights, loop... cool new things! Your excellence in song writing is brought again with this music and creative lyrics 🙌

Thank you. Feels good to explore, open new doors, and find new territory. This weekend I had the pleasure of playing music at an art show on two nights - for three hours each. This style of music is stretching me to create a variety of sounds, and allowing me to feel in the flow, so I can really capture the moment as a soundscape.

I loved that first instrument, what its name of instrument sir? Its like mini drum percussion?
You're amazing with deep voice and always bring original songs every week so comfort to enjoy the song 🎶🎧

Thanks for noticing. The instrument you're asking about is called a hoop drum. It's a primitive style of drum that is traditional in some indigenous cultures.

wow i see, the first impression hear the sound of instrument my mind thinking about its like traditional primitive indian instrument. its cool ! thankyou for the explanation

hola hermano @cabelindsay.
woow lo lograste. el sonido es muy profundo.Como se llama el objeto con que haces la percusión?.
la letras esta demasiado buena.

When I lose my life
And my soul goes home
I will hold my glow
Like a firefly.

hello brother @cabelindsay.
woow you did it. The sound is very deep. What is the name of the object with which you do the percussion?
the lyrics are too good

When I lose my life
And my soul goes home
I will hold my glow
Like a firefly

That is a hoop drum. I've been hoping for a drum like this for years, and just recently received it. It's the style of drum that is used in sweat lodges, and other Native American ceremonies. I think there are similar drums in the indigenous cultures of Europe too. Probably all over the world, I'm guessing.

Great song 👌 and i loved the background lights those seemed pretty fancy 🤩.

I like the use of the loop station in your song. I feel these lyrics resonate from deep within your heart. I like how you take us on a journey of acknowledgment for all our earthly ancestors. To honor and respect them eternally.
Awesome work and I love the effects too. 🤗💚🌼

Thank you. I'm still in the early stages of this experimentation, so there's a lot to learn. It's an enjoyable ride! Two nights ago, I played this style of music for three hours at an art show, and it was appropriately expressive but not as crystalline as I would've liked. Then last night, I played again at another art show, for another three hours, and this time I was much more polished, and practiced. I played like paradise. 😊

That's the beauty of trying something new. It's exciting and there is this amazing feeling of achievement once it starts to come together. Glad to hear that this new style is finding you. One love 🤗

Hola amigo me encantó el ambiente que lograste en esta semana porque esas luces que usaste se identifican con esa luz de la que hablas, parecía como la Aurora Boreal. Cada uno de nosotros tiene su propia luz, y con nuestras obras, nuestra fuerza espiritual y nuestro amor podemos salvar al mundo de la oscuridad. Gracias por presentar este interesante tema en donde rindes honor a ese guerrero de luz, el cual está reflejado en nuestros propios pasos. Un abrazo. 😘

English: Aw, so cool of you to see that and say so. Yes, I am working to be a warrior of the light, and I love the idea of bringing my colors - a rainbow warrior. And an aurora borealis. Aho.

Spanish: Aw, es genial de tu parte ver eso y decirlo. Sí, estoy trabajando para ser un guerrero de la luz y me encanta la idea de traer mis colores: un guerrero arcoíris. Y una aurora boreal. Aho.

Que bello, me encantó de verdad, buen trabajo amigo. 👏👏😘

Something new again, mate! There is always something fresh coming every performance you make..!


Bravo amigo me encantan los buenos trabajos originales...

Muy original! Felicitaciones amigo!
Very original! Congratulations friend!

¡Suena hermoso!