"El destino no se puede manipular, pero se puede mejorar."
"Fate cannot be manipulated, but it can be improved."Dear friend @obaro, since the world began, there has been this round of love and heartbreak. I remember a little comedy that was shown on television as a child. It was called "Crazy Cat" and the story revolved around a cat madly in love with a mouse. It rejected her, throwing bricks at her that made her fall to the ground and hearts flew out of the bumps while she exclaimed "Isn't he a sweetie?" And the one who loved her was... the police dog on the corner. Whom she rejected, by the way.

Me encantó la interpretación de esta canción. Tu voz tiene unos agudos preciosos y lograron una bella armonía piano - guitarra. Gracias por compartir. Muchos éxitos a ambos por compartir música muy buena.
I loved the performance of this song. Your voice has beautiful treble and they achieved a beautiful piano-guitar harmony. Thanks for sharing. Many successes to both of you for sharing very good music. Estimado amigo @obaro, desde que el mundo es mundo se ha dado esa ronda del amor y el desamor. Recuerdo de niña una comiquita que daban por televisión. Se llamaba "La Gata Loca" y la historia giraba acerca de una gata enamorada perdidamente de un ratón. Él la rechazaba, le lanzaba ladrillazos que la hacían caer al suelo y de los chichones salían volando corazones mientras ella exclamaba "¿No es él un encanto?" Y quien la amaba a ella era..el perro policía de la esquina. A quien ella rechazaba, por cierto.
You are really right about your point of view on fate.
For real, you are right about what you think of destiny.
That aside, I'm grateful for you stopping by and showing love with your coment.