Moments You Don't Want to Experience in Nigeria: A Case Study of Craftsman and Artisans

in Speak Peace3 years ago

It's another festive season and somany celebrations ranging from wedding, child dedication as well as even Christmas and new year celebration. It's also time for several disappointments for artisans and craftsmen. It just flashed my memory that some years back, I gave a fashion designer my Christmas cloth to sew for me in November. Can you guess when got my clothes, it's actually after 3 years. That's the nature of some Nigerian artisans and craftsmen. In this post you'll get practical examples of how these artisans have frustrated their customers who had booked them for one occasion or the other. Some will even travel to their villages and leave your clothes locked in their shops. Greetings from @salvadornkpara.

Artisans and Craftsmen and the Spirit of Disappointing People
Because of the attitude of most artisans and craftsmen in Nigeria, most Nigerians are very careful and at some point lie for them to get their products on time. Below are the very artisans and craftsmen to be deliberated upon.

Fashion Designers
Fashion designers or what's popularly known as _Taylors are usually known for their great abilities to make people look good through their several designs and fashion styles. But there's a serious problem when it comes to date of delivering a cloth to the owner. One attitude of fashion designers that I don't like it's the fact that they don't have enough time due to much work in hand but they're always collect cloths from customers. One day a customer called her taylor in order to get her clothes that she wants to make use for an occasion and the taylor told her that he had traveled mean while he was at his shop. He never realized that the lady was standing some distance away from him and immediately he saw her, he couldn't say anything. Christmas period is usually a time of fun because you'll see customers either quarrelling their taylors or arresting them for disappointing them. I don't know if you've been disappointed by your fashion designer. On my in-laws wedding day, it'll amaze you that his suit was not ready until the procession to the altar to be joined to his wife. We had to make an alternative for him that day. I don't know about your experience with your fashion designer.



Automobile Mechanics

The automobile mechanics are usually worst of them all. They're always creating faults anytime a car owner takes his or her car to them. If a car has carburator issue they'll repair the carburator and then tell you that the radiator also had an issue. From that point you'll hear that the fuel pump has an issue. The main reasons for all these is to extort money from the car owner. Probably your car stopped on the way and the problem is battery, once you call a mechanic, he'll notice the problem but will start listing different things that doesn't relate to the issue in question. On another occasion, they'll tell you that your car wasn't ready yet, so that they could cruise with your car and take their family members to and from their house. The number of insane mechanics are more than the sane ones. I believe that it's only 1% of the mechanics in Nigeria that are honest with their jobs.



Most Nigerians have complained about electricians within the country. One said that an electrician wasted his time in repairing his spoiled television so he decided to take a break, after some months the electrician had sold his television to someone else after repairing it. Like the automobile mechanics, they'll always develop faults in your electronics so that they can get more money from you.



The Carpenters
The carpenter is not as worst as the others mentioned when you've not given him advance payment. Once the carpenter receives advance payment, you'll look for them and wait forever. They'll leave your work and go for outside work to make more money for themselves. A furniture man will take money from you to make upholstery for you, after that time you'll not see him for months. Why does these artisans love police stations? That question will be answered by them.




I would've mentioned more artisans who are not honest with their jobs in my country Nigeria. Only God will help us in Nigeria.

Finally, the population of artisans and craftsmen that are honest in their job and delivers their products as at when due are just about 10% of the sum total. And mind you this 10% may be tagged as dishonest by other persons. What's your experience with artisans and craftsmen in Nigeria. Your upvotes and comments are needed. Thanks for stopping by.







Yes oo we fashion designer are like that but we are trying our best not to do so this festival time

I have given up on those guys, if you are working with them buy paracetamol and keep