in Speak Peace3 years ago

In religious occult, sex is the most potent transactional medium for generating and retaining spiritual energy source. How?


In 1 Corinthians 6:16, Paul says that he that is joined to an harlot is one body. For the two shall be one flesh.

The one-flesh bond is a concept of emotional link, connection or union that holds people together as the same identity element.

When a man or woman have sex with someone, a one-flesh bond between them is automatically forged.

In religious occult, which quite a number of preachers now belong, adherents indulge in serial sexual intercourses with multiples of partners in order to generate swift geometric power surge for sorcery.

When Paul wrote the church at Corinth to counsel them against the sin of fornication, he told them that fornication is a sin against the body. Why did he say so?

The human body is always a temple to deity - supernatural positive or negative. We are a house to the supernatural. The human body is the most valid legal conduct on earth for spirit beings.

In scripture, we saw how legions of demons occupied one body. Also, we know about the residence of God's spirit in us.

Those who are in occult for power and indulge in frequent sex with multiples of partners do so not for pleasure; they're using sex to create region of invicible space that enhances their pseudo-prophetic ability.

The more they generate emotional link with different women through sexual entanglement, the deeper into sorcery they go.

This is the reason all pseudo prophets are neck-deep into proliferate sexual entanglements. They are bonding with different human bodies to forge an identity element that grant them access to the devil's power.

Ladies, you need to be extremely careful because having sex with someone whose mind is firmly fixed or concentrated on achieving something with your indulgences with him is something that could hurt you if the intent is to mortgage you for his own fortification.

Haven't you heard of girls who suddenly became insane after having it with Yahoo boys? For such, their sanity were mortgage for wealth through sex.

Sex is not something you do with everybody. Some people are looking for sex, not for the pleasure or fun of it; they just want it to forge identity element that grant them access to pseudo-prophetic ability.

So be careful especially if it's a so-called preacher that is calling for it. So many of these guys are these days into different sorcery groups.

Sorcery is now a dominant phenomenon in the present day church ministry work. So many preachers are into it. That's why some of these girls are coming out to speak up.

The girls are having series of unfortunate nightmares and spiritual encounters that they cannot explain. That's why they are screaming out. Not because they are even repentant.

So be warned. A word is enough for the wise.