The zodiaco sign are the Energy that convert un unique a person because dont have alone one for the Energy of the other astral in the sky, born with one it's true but have another four that influence AND i agree have a Lilith AND middle sky that influence a person. The best to revenge, the most spiritual AND lust of all my sign of zodiac Is Scorpio from oct/24 first decan of those influence by Géminis, Acuario, Tauro AND Sagitario. Yes, my actually Partner Is Aries influenced for Virgo, Escorpio, Leo AND Piscis alone in the privacity AND fortune wheel are good, another figth all day because both personality are explossive.
All in my are considerated to Scorpion the zodiac máster of spiritual, lust, so brilliant un Energy, charismatic AND good person. I read a card AND considerated midium another It am so apasionated AND jelous with a Partner AND friendo, good un good, bad un bad.
Yo mate, I got brain freeze 🥶 trying to comprehend this.
Help me out here 🙏
Lol no be only you
omo 🤣🤣
Uhmmmm, I am confused, can you be clearer?
He is trying to explain that your zodiac alone does not define you and that it is also influenced by 4 others so if he is scorpio, he also affected by others in the sky..gemini, aquarios, sagitarius and bla bla..
we know not what we meddle with"
Uncle every person in this comments knows that Zodiac signs don't define us.
No ooo.. it does na.. sebi they will read it daily.. some people do.. Lol
No be me ehhh
Well explained
You must have studied and learnt alot about zodiac sign.
For me I don't really see it to have much effect on a person's personality.
My option tho, i stand to be corrected
The sign AND the eduation of the people hace influence but the sign AND own character are predefinited, AND learn 20 years about the sign AND it's a continuos learning about the World, universe and people
predefined? That's pretty slim when compared with the reality we face.
Does it mean before i was born, i was designed to have the Libra Zodiac sign?
20years, that's really alot
You understood that thing over there? Mehn, you must be an astronomer @prechidi
I actually read it so many times
You have been blessed with the blissful gift of patience... mate
Make i use this one hold myself
Thank you very much dear