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RE: Hive-Naija Weekend Engagement #38 - "Paradigm Shift"

in Speak Peace β€’ 3 years ago

Hello lovelies πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹....

Yes it's another weekend for our amazing weekend engagement party, hehehe, ya and today we are having some interesting conversations going on at the comment section, good job guys πŸ‘πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ, just making me feel so emotional, hahaha, just leave me alone, yes, you 😏.

Before I continue my madness, listen to what I have to say, will you? Stop doing your face like that, you should not be surprised, it's Hope that is speaking sha, incase you do not know the name 😁.

Now to my response, I will be bantering on the first question :)

What can you do differently to make our country better?

First of all, what I'm I even doing before? Hmm, I wonder, you do too right?

Well, if I'm to do anything differently, it would be improving more on how I communicate with you and anyone I meet. I want to be someone that speaks positivity to people and also someone that encourages people to be the best of themselves. Ya, that's pretty what I would love to change to make my country better.

There are so many people out there who communicate with the wrong ideas every now and then and this has affected the way they see themselves and even our country Nigeria, some are not doing anything because they've seen and heard that there is no remedy for our country, the question is, are you part of those that think this way or you are someone that spread these thoughts?

I always believe that words are very priceless and when given the chance to speak and you end up making someone feel worthless, it's better you didn't say anything sef. Hearing the right words at the right time will do so much in making our country a better place.

This is my reply to the topic for this week, do well to leave your advice and contributions, you know how much I love them, so do not hesitate one bit, hehehe. @ksam what are you doing? let me not call you again sha πŸ˜ͺ. oh, that reminds me @obaro I haven't seen you engaging with us here before or have you? well don't think about it too much and just come and join the party and hope you are feeling better now?

Hmm... I think there is someone else I'm forgetting πŸ€”... oh ye! @josediccus Sir, it would be an honor to have you here πŸ₯°, I really hope you stop by.

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Oya i don show...
And I feel better now sha.
I have appetite to eat now ... Glory to God

Yes! I'm so happy you stopped by πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ.
Oh wow, you are even feeling better, that's great news dear, now let's show them what you've got, hehehe. Just go and engage with as many as you can and you can also do well to inform someone about the party, hehe.

Yes, I decided to engage a bit on my PC.
But it turned out to be that I'm very weak after little engagement and my eyes are already spinning.
Guess the effects of the drugs!

Oh dear! So sorry about that. Try and take some water and rest a little bit.

Thanks dear

You're welcome dear, how are you feeling now?

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Oya what did ksam do to you kwanu πŸ₯²

Communication is a great point... sha be communicating with me let me assess your Communication skills πŸ˜…


He was sleeping 😜😜, he is here now so no problem again, hehe.

Yes communication is key and I will be happy if I can be able to contribute such to our country.

Of course, I will communicate with you, I just pray you don't make me give up on Learning, !LOLZ 🀣🀣.