The voice against social vices in Nigeria- (Internet frauds has done more harm to our society.) Art. 2

in Speak Peace3 years ago (edited)



The issue of Cyber frauds is not limited to Nigerians alone,
It has been a big challenge for internet users world wide because the fraudulent activities of this perpetrators is not only limited to a any country.
Truth be told, internet scam and other cyberspace fraud originated from white people (the creators), but the recent trend of social media scam, channelled the focus from normal scam which everyone us know, is usually nothing other than hacking.

Hacking normally is a method hackers device to compromise the security of the computer and internet devices, usually with the intention of exploiting some vital informations stored therein, fraudulent activities etcs, which usually leave no trace of the perpetrator.

But the recent social media scam are far different from hacking and hijacking of information, today it's usually done by (psychological and emotional manipulation) persuasion and convincing the victim, making them believe in whatever there business/topic of interest is all about.

Today because of the advancement in cyber security, most of this fraudulent activities in the internet and social media requires the victim to use his/her own hand to compromise the security of their internet accounts and finances.
The two most common forms of social media scam today includes dating and investment methods.

For the investment methods, the scammers disguise inform of the owners or members of an investment company, they strategy is to end up talking their client (victim) into making an investment with with them, which end up being a brutal scam.

For the dating methods, the scammers disguise and impersonate into being another person somewhere, especially well to do people, (like pilots, doctor, etc).
Here they will find a way to build or gain trust from their victims, who fall in love by trusting them and becomes vulnerable to scam, because under this psychological manipulation, they tend to believe and do whatever they're asked to do.

So from this point I will dive into the main context of this blog.
The common name in Nigeria usually referred to social media and internet scam is "yahoo or Gee work,"
"yahoo plus, or Gee plus" is usually referred to the ones of people who have gone an extra mile to involve themselves with some extraordinary Powers to manipulate their victims

In light of the above highlights, our African youth in their own quest for a way to make social media scamming easy has resorted to many evil acts to achieve their aims.

Earlier this year, the trending news every where was madness among young girls, (there was as a claim that guys are using young girls for sacrifice)
"Okeite"-for the people that heard the scores, was a type of ritual sacrifice done by this Yahoo boys, this sacrifice is believed to be one of the most powerful and dangerous sacrifices for wealth, it's dangerous in the sense that it has many rules, demands and conditions to observe once you're involved into it, which on failure to meet this demands and conditions has the tendency of harming the person involved or sometimes their relatives and loved ones.

Recall in 2021, the rate of madness among the youths, especially the males, was very high, you hear many things in some of the tapes captured during the time most of this guys are confessing, things like "they told me to bring my mother and I refused..., I used my girlfriend for sacrifice...

“As we left for Nigeria, we were given some concoction which the herbalist said were prepared with human parts. We were asked to put the concoction in our mouths whenever we wanted to type or discuss with our victims.
But when I got home, I became restive. I remembered my mum’s admonition never to go into anything fetish but to serve the almighty God. I kept the concoction away and watched as events unfolded.
Three months later, one of us Chuks, made 3000 dollars .But Odinakachuckwu lost his younger brother who went to use his laptop. The instruction of the herbalist was that no one except him, should use his laptop. Just as we were smarting from that, Chionye lost his girlfriend.
“I decided to quit at that point because I did not want anyone to die on my account. I am therefore appealing to those I have defrauded through yahoo yahoo to forgive me”source

The above is just a few of real life events uncovering itself, but the worst part of all this, is despite all this ugly events, many guys still see it as an option for survival in this country.
You will hear people say things like "it's better I die you young than to die poor" etc
And many other ugly statements that will reveal to a sane mind how damaged the minds of many guys out there are.
People who are ready to offer anything even themselves for riches

Some of the major consequences of this include;
Untimely death, madness, ill-health, insanity etc
Note also that this is not limited to the perpetrators alone, also to the victims, many stories had it that victims of scams commit suicide after knowing that they have been scammed.
The truth is that many of this victims are usually unaware of their actions until they are out of the influence of the unknown powers controlling them. It's a pity though, I feel for them.

The dangers of this quick money appetites and yahoo plus in our society today includes
Lack of interest in education
Lack of morals, and increase in immoralities
Increase in evil acts, including deaths and abominations
No regards to social and cultural values, norms etc.
Abuse and waste of time and manpower amongst our youths.
Low productivity in general.
Many have sold their conscience, today we have a very wicked society, no love, no trust, no care except at death, we're living in hatred, and envy.
Anxiety and fear has gripped many individuals.

Today we have many youths who have been trapped, confused, depressed...
Many don't know their rights from their left again, many are hoping on grace, many are living their life on what the day bring, many has lost the essence of life, many are depressed from regrets, many have lost their ways, many has money but don't see the essence of having money again.

Help us heal the world, let them see reasons...
Preach against cyber frauds and social media scam, preach against yahoo plus...
It's has done more harm to our society than the good it has done to the individuals who engaged in it.

Confession Of A Yahoo Plus Boy “We Use Human Parts To Make ...

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