Today 25 years ago

in Speak Peace5 years ago


We all are born into different families. We come here ignorant as to what we could become. I like to believe that when I was born, I was born not for myself— because the concept of self doesn't exist at birth. I was born for everyone. I was first carried in my mother's womb and when I was viable, I was her pain. That pain would grow not only during the process of childbirth but during the process of life. The pain that I was also was her joy. That joy would also grow to take many forms. But there I was as a baby— clueless in the court when my mother had me.

Before my mother was examined by the doctors the next morning— and I assumed she was, haven just gave birth to an underweight baby in a formula one fashion, she slept on one of those flat moaka foams that had long seen better days. The hospital— BMH, that provided this five-star treatment soon found a place for my mother to lay. On that bed, the doctors who later examined her saw her gravidity and parity in her documents and said “They have seven children, the husband must be a rich man.” meaning that my father who was managing some tens of thousands of naira a month was supposed to be rich.

My mother on the bed saw the irony of it all as she formed a name to this nameless child— Ebi meaning Good and Ngo meaning Wealth but forgetting or not knowing that it would sound like bingo the game and bingo the popular dog's name.

Today as a doctor to be, I'm supposed to be an advocate to family planning and I am. I do however understand the parents with many offspring. When I had arguments on this topic with my family, I was made to understand how unappreciative that made me sound. Look at how much colour is in this painting because it simply is what it is. If ever you want to have many children do not take this as encouragement, but life isn't linear. Everyone has to make it work for themselves and my family has had its ups and downs but it's working. That's what matters— that you have people beside you who are willing to make things work.

This is my birthday and this is my life. This life of mine is not about me. I'm like a book with so many characters and I'm just the covering EBINGO. The story is told in second person YOU.

YOU ALL HAVE MADE ME in your very little and not so little ways. You all should join me to celebrate yourselves. Thank you for making my life worth living. Thank you and have an amazing day.

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I gathered all the information from my mother and I tried to piece something together.


Happy birthday brother.. long life and prosperity.. we for like turn up sha

Na money na

Happy birthday genius.

Thanks G

Happy birthday Ebingo!!!!

Thanks Purity ❤️❤️

Happy birthday G' wishing you long life....and more blessings

Thanks bro