How the state of Nigeria has affected my progress as a Web developer

in Speak Peace2 years ago

Hello guys, feels good to post here again. I know we are all dealing with the current state of Nigeria in one way or the other.
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Well, it has not been different for me. The current state of Nigeria has affected me especially my progress as a web developer. It is said that Nigeria has many great talents but I think these "talents" are throwing in the towel.
An adult friend of mine who's also a web developer lost a contract of $100 just because he is a Nigerian.
At the moment, I have a lot of project templates that I have done so that in case a client contacts me, I wouldn't have to go through the stress of writing the code again.
Nigeria's economy has affected each and everyone of us in one way or the other: from escalating standard of living to inadequate social amenities. What then can we do? There is only one answer. Let's exercise popular participation. Go get your PVC's and elect the right person in. Only then can these "talents" make Nigeria a productive nation.