
For their personal use or?

They get some for running the node, and some to implement proposals.

It's okay. Thanks for explaining. 💞💞

Now I get

You're welcome

Funny enough as I was writing this, a witness just asked me to vote for his proposal. I checked his page and read his proposal here.

This is not a guide, but it gives a little idea of what witnesses do.

Is the witness name howo? Cos I saw his message on my wallet right before I got the notification for this post.

I was scrolling through his blog when I got the notification here.

Yes he is. Probably used this post as an opportunity to asked people to check out his proposal

Uhmm.... I don't understand the last part, b0s 🥺

Which one is that?

This one 👇👇

Probably used this post as an opportunity to asked people to check out his proposal