It is so sad that the World we live in nowadays is full of so much abuse. It's either emotional abuse, cultural abuse, or even physical abuse. The death of the Nigerian gospel artist, Osinachi Nwachukwu was really sad news and what made it worse was the fact that it happened one way or the other, as a result of domestic violence.
I honestly don't know how love can turn from showing affection and caring for one another, to punching and kicking. I haven't met the special someone yet, but I sure as hell, would never do anything to hurt her.
No one really knows exactly what is going through the mind of abusers (be it male or female) when they are abusing their partner. It could be that they have gone through traumatic experiences in the past, or perhaps they see it as a norm because their parents' relationship was like that, some even do it out of paranoia. That being said, it is unacceptable. If you have problems you should go get the required help rather than putting someone else through pain.
One of the things that makes domestic violence and abuse in relationships worse is when the people that are being abused refuse to speak up and choose to die in silence.
Why don't they speak up?
They refuse to speak up because they feel that if they speak up about it it may get worse. Or they might be blamed for not doing it right. I don't know about other places, but over here in Nigeria they believe the women should be submissive. So whenever there is an argument, the first question that is asked is "What did you do to make him act that way?”. These types of situations usually make female victims double think about the situation and sometimes they start to see It as their fault.
There are some who can't voice out because they don't want all of the benefits they are enjoying to come to an end. While there are some who refuse to open up because they are afraid it might ruin their reputation. Some claim they still love their abuser and don't want to end the relationship. "He'll change" they say.
There's also the very small category (mostly men) who are afraid to voice out because it may sound ridiculous. "How will your wife beat you oga."
How to avoid domestic violence and abuse in relationships
First things first, you have to value yourself. Someone who values themselves will never allow themselves to be maltreated by another person.
Another things is to never ignore red flags. Nothing like "I can change him" or "I can change her''. It is not your job to change anyone. It is not your job to change anyone. You're not their therapist. Once you see signs that the person isn't the right one, flee.
Also, do not enter into a relationship for material things. If one of your reasons for entering is because of what they have and not who they are, you're setting yourself up.
All that being said, if you happen to find yourself in an abusive relationship it is best you speak up and not die in silence.
This reminds me of a post I read some days back about someone who died in the hands of her partner and where it was found out that he had been abusing her for long but she didn't speak up. I do hope that more will learn to fight for their rights and walk away from abusive relationships before it becomes too late. And I agree with you on the points you mentioned here on valuing oneself. I think when we know our worth, we become more courageous and won't let anyone abuse us.
By the way, how is your day going? I hope you are well on your way to taking today's golden star :) I am sure you won't forget your water and some quiet moments too :) Here's just a little cheer from me and my teem :)
My day was great, it was a bit of a struggle, but I got the gold star.
It's good to know you got your star :) You did amazingly🌞 Congrats and I wish you the best on your next
Thank you. How about you, did you get a gold star today?
My day 5 is just starting, it's quarter to 6 am, Friday here hehe. I will make sure to get my 5th. Thank you and take care
Oh wow, congrats. Good luck
You highlighted it all. Most women don't speak up because they get blamed. The funny thing is when they do, they get blamed too and when they do not, probably die from it, they still take the blame. It's sad how much people don't see the issue but they look for the reason. Thank you for this insightful post.
Before I take my leave, I'd like to leave a kind reminder of how much you mean to someone. You might not know it, but someone out there, close to you or even far, holds you dear to their heart. You are forever loved. Encourage someone today, and get that gold star. The sky is definitely not the limit, Dreemer.
Awwn thank you so much.
Gold star 2 days running. Working on getting the third one today.
I kept thinking of all the reasons that made her stay until she died and I can't find the perfect excuse for her. Because no matter how much I think about it, it doesn't make any sense. Well, only God knows and sees everything.
By the way b0s, I am hoping you'll get your gold star today. I am positive you will. I am rooting for you. 💪💪

Yeah you're right? Only her and God know. We can only speculate.
I'm sure you know this, but I got the gold star yesterday. Working on today's.
Yes to all.
I hope you got yesterday too. For today, go hit those milestones 😍😍😘😘
I did, and I will.
Love is consistent, it never turns from affection and care to punching and kicking. The punching and kicking are only signs that love was never there. Love has always been far away from that relationship.
That is true. You know what else is true? Nothing is going on in the mind of an abuser when he doing it. He/she doesn't think. It is mostly a reaction, a reflex action to whatever the person considers a stimulant.
In my experience, most people that say that their partner would change are either running from something or chasing something that they would rather not tell anyone. Humans are naturally averse to pain, we endure pain because of 2 major things, fear, or a perceived benefit... It is always one or both of them in every case.
Beautiful writeup @b0s
Wow these are great contributions to the topic. Thanks for stopping by and contributing, I've learnt something today.
You are welcome @b0s
I don't think love has anything to do with this. Usually, when you love someone you wouldn't entertain the thought of hurting them in any way.
This question irks me. In some other way, I feel like if your life is threatened you shouldn't be bothered about what people would say and just save yourself first. Although it is understandable that it may not be that easy for every victim.
How is it going with your goals today, I hope you are pushing to get your goal star?
Yes you're right on this.
I think we need to stop victim blaming, and victims need to learn to put themselves first and not care about othrr people's feelings.
I bagged yesterday's gold star. Working on today's thanks for stopping by.
I detest abuse. What annoys me is that some women seem to have a thing for men who abuse them. I have known women who are abused and manage to get out of a relationship, only to get back into another relationship with the same time of man. It really makes me sad and annoyed at the same time, however what can we do.
People must act on those red flags immediately, and stop with the notion that I can change him or her. Relationships that rely on the "I can change him/her" are doomed from the start.
Good morning B0s I am popping in as I am doing my daily teem tengo encouragement, so let's rock this terrific Tuesday 💪😁
Don't forget to encourage your fellow teem tengo members to get your Dreem tokens at the end of this week. Drink enough water and of course make sure you take some quiet time just for you😀
Thank you for all that you did yesterday and Go teem tengo #teemtengo 😁
Well said Tengo. It's really weird and annoying seeing some women complain about their abusers and leave only to go back to them or another version of them. Oh well, like you said we can't do anything.
I'm sure by now you know I completed my tasks yesterday. I'm working towards continuing in the same light today.
Let me use this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. How is your day going so far? Keep going, you can get that gold star.
Yes my sister in law is one of those women, and try as hard as I do to support her, when she chooses another man who does the same thing, and then another it gets monotonous and I say to her that she just wants to play the role of a victim. She then took that on board and seemed to change.
Oh well I know you did your tasks yesterday, that was great and go get them done for today too!
My dau has been good, been busy so only getting on Hive now and making some lunch, but yes I will get that gold star and thank you :)
There are lots of people dying in these domestic violence scenario
The death of the Nigerian singer got me pained
I am sure there are reasons why she doesn't want to leave the relationship
We should start speaking up!
Yes it's really sad, may her soul rest in peace. Hopefully more people speak up after this.
People must learn to speak up and stop playing with their lives.
Indeed they must. Thanks for reading
It is this type of victim blaming that makes it even harder for people to speak up. The society ostracise those who are courageous enough to leave due to religious reasons and fake morals. Only the brave can survive the aftermath.
Thank you for gracing us with this entry.
Yes, it gets really annoying when an abuse victim comes out and instead of the abuser getting punished the victim is blamed or ostracized for wanting to leave the relationship.
Thanks for reading
Why do we have mouth? Isn´t it to speak up to what we don´t want? I do not pity those who feel they can´t speak up when they are being abused all because of the phrase "I don´t want people to say otherwise". Abeg, are you bothered about what people will say or concerned about your own life? The woman just died without speaking up because you are protecting your marriage whereas your life is getting ruined. We ought to speak up and let people fight for us instead of keeping mute. It´s all abut us and how we value ourselves.
Teammate, I hope you are already working on your task for today? I guess you ticked the gold star yesterday and I am sure today will be great. Don´t forget having your quiet time is important, likewise others too. Let´s win this together 🚴♂️
Well said @princessbusayo. People need to learn to speak up.
I got the gold star yesterday. And have already ticked off the quiet time, personal goal and 30 minutes goal. Will do my physical activity in the evening. Then. I'll complete the others
Oh yes, how about you. How are your tasks coming along?

Exactly, women and men are meant to support one another. It's not a one sided affair.
I bagged the star. Just about bagging today's star.
I hope you are doing good today, you haven't posted in two days.
I hope you are good and everything is fine?
I'm fine, just didnt have inspiration at the time.
Oh, it's alright.
Don't know how you get to abuse someone you love...
It should never be done that way.
I feel it the mentality we have as Africans that you leaving you husband's house shows you are bad or not capable to manage you marriage from the women part but little do they know that some abuse is all on the husband and it okay to leave to save your life and not try to endure.
Abuse you will always be bad no two ways to it.
How has your day been?
Hope you are still on track for for dreemport challenge.
Don't forget to observe your quite time and take enough water.
Someone here replied that if you really love someone you can't hurt them and I totally agree.
People need to understand that sometimes it's okay to leave.
Thanks for showing up. Yes I've got 3 gold stars now, working on number 4.
Hello bos!
I hope you're still going stronger and have gotten your star already?
I am, managed to bag yesterday's star.
I really don't know why people derive joy in abusing their partners.. It's even now so common these days. I just wish something can be done to avoid such abuse in relationships... Thanks for sharing this with us..
How about your challenge today? Hope you were able to drink lots of water today? Make sure you get the gold star today. All the best.
It's so common these days, I'm even seeing videos everywhere. Not to talk of the hidden ones. God help us.
I got the gold star thanks for asking.
It's well... It's only God that will intervane..
Good to know you got the gold star.. Don't relent on the remaining star
I won't, thank you 🤗
You are welcome.
yes - and even before the "first things first"... we need to be valuing our children!
the reason why children grow up to think they are worthless, is because it hasn't been instilled in them somewhere along the line
we have a severe case of desperation in our children these days... we must come to their rescue!!
hi bos! hehehe I hope that you're having a great day today and feeling the love from so many people coming to your post and cheering for you hehehehe
you didn't post today - (and taht's ok!! hehee) so i hope that you're feeling great and getting some nice rest today!!!
sending love to you!!
Yes, most of the things we take into adulthood are from our childhood, so yes parents and the society in general, should also help in training and supporting their children.
Yes I didn't post yesterday. You know time passes so fast. I thought I only missed a day but the post said 2. Anyway, I got the gold star since posting doesn't count 😉. Just about getting today's star.
It's so sad what often happens. I think they mostly dont speak up, because they simply have fear and not the power to think, they could change something. At least, somebody who would speak up and shout out in such a situation, mostly would not come into this situation, thats the pitty about those who suffer.
I had you didnt have to suffer today and easy cheesy reached your stars! The challenge final is near, go catch your STARS!!!

Yes, they need to learn to speak up.
I picked my star yesterday. Going to pick up today's hopefully.
I hope you will reach it :-) look at this banner and you will be full of energy to reach that STAR!

😊Thank you 🤗
This I the information most people need especially now, the rate at which some persons abuse their spouses is getting out of hand. I just hope the message gets to more people, thank you so much for sharing.
Hope you got your star for today dear?
@dreemport sent me.
Yes abuse is getting rampant these days, hopefully more people can learn to curb it.
I did 😁
Yeah, hopefully.
That's nice dear.
Nice write up dear
The best thing is to speak up
Dying in silence is not the best answer
Your parents, siblings or trusted friends
A problem explained is half solved
Well said. Thanks for the contribution.
Your welcome
Have a lovely day
Take care
It is better not to be in a relationship than to be in one and get bartered. Some think the person will change but they don't. One"s life is more important so stay unloved than to be "lived" and tormented.
How are you doing? Greetings from teem hope
Well said, can't imagine staying in a bitter relationship.
I am fine. Just about getting that gold star once I'm done encouraging.
or perhaps they see it as a norm because their parents' relationship was like that
I don't agree with this, in every situation, there is always two lessons to be learnt, it is your decision to take the positive or the negative, because your parent are always fighting could be a reason why you will choose never to fight or beat your wife cos you hate that horror of seeing your parent fight! but if you chose to do the same thing, it is just you, dont blame it on the parent
I guess you're right. No matter how terrible the situation is you always have a choice. At the end of the day it's your decision to make. Thanks for the enlightenment bro.