Two yeas ago, according to an advice by a Yoga instructor I follow on YouTube, I bought "The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness: How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life in Ten Minutes a Day". I read through the book and practiced 10 minutes meditation recommended in the book. I don't know why but it didn't become my daily routine back then.
As I have some tough situations and struggles in my life since in the end of September, I continue reading books that may help me. This time I could read "The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness" deeply and it seems meditation becomes my daily routine.
Interestingly, by going through the process of meditation, I feel that at least some of the pain and worries go away. I accept that I have these feeling and let them come in and go.
I like the way of thinking introduced in the book; When I feel good in meditation, imagine sharing it with others, and when I feel uncomfortable, think of it as taking on the pain of others.
Still I sometimes notice pains in my daily life but I notice I gradually accept them and find a way to corp with them.
The book may not immediately works for you but I recommend you to have it in your bookshelf so that you can read it when you need a solution for your life.
A lot to learn in life. I think it is one of the good things in life.
2年前、YouTubeでフォローしているヨガインストラクターのアドバイスに従って、「頭を「からっぽ」にするレッスン 10分間瞑想でマインドフルに生きる」を購入しました。本を一通り読み、本の中で推奨されている10分瞑想を実践してみました。なぜか、当時は毎日の習慣になりませんでした。
I haven't looked into meditation, but it's a good point of having a helpful book already in case if you will need some insight at a later point. Or even better could be to read it already before you need it, so you have a solution already at hand when you meet the problem :)
Hope meditation helps.
I think you do it already while you are kneading bread dough ..., @apsu 😁 Ja but book helps me to understand what meditation is.
Kneading a bread dough is meditation?
To me, it's a battle. The strongest one wins, the weaker one gets thrown in the oven and will die. 😄
So far I have won every time.
This is a quite new aspect for me. Ja but can be right.
For me baking is more like a silent time talking to myself and dough inside my heart. I calmly enjoy the repetitive slow move and texture of dough. Breaditation 🍞
It might be interesting to see how others bake bread 😁 It can be totally different baker by baker.
I've been doing zazen style shikantaza for 20 years. I agree that meditation is great for helping us be more accepting of problems in our life. I see the author of this book is from Tibetan Buddhism, so probably a lot different than the Soto Zen I'm most familiar with. But sounds interesting. I'm always very curious how people teach meditation, because it helps me teach better when I do. I'll check the book out!
Wow you are really experienced. I wish I could start it from my 20s or even teenager time. My daughter is still small but I try to help her release her excess feeling by breathing together.
Some books written by buddhist monks are on my reading list, which was recommended by my German friend. It is interesting to see my religion that I didn't care for long.
インフルエンザの修行から戻ってきました 😅 大変な2022年秋になりましたが、冬は落ち着けそうです。