County prosecutory declines to file charges
As you saw in my original video trooper Jeffrey Otis only issued a draft of a citation for DWLS 3rd. He referred the draft of a citation to the prosecutor. My guess is he saw I already had 2 of the same citations dismissed w/out prejudice and thought he'd leave it up to the prosecutor to decide. Maybe the prosecutor didn't want to be called out in a court room for his/her lack of ethics and trying to prosecute this corporate code to a free man. UPVOTE, REBLOG and FOLLOW!
original video on this incident
RCW 46.20.342 section 1(c) Driving While license invalidated
RCW 460.04.320 Motor Vehicle(notice it doesn't say "automobile" anywhere in here)
Hendrick v. Maryland, 235 U.S. 610 (1915)(this has no mention of "all users")
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I know this won't be popular opinion but I do think people should be regulated on government roads if they are driving a motor vehicle as well as they should have to have insurance. If someone hits another person and takes out part of a family, someone's dad, whatever, I want that person to be able to be brought to justice. Obviously this isn't a black and white subject but I believe that what you do on your property to yourself is your business but when you are using public roadways, etc then there needs to be accountability.
We have a lot of people here that don't want to pay taxes, fees, etc... The fact is that they want to use everything that is offered to them, earn a good living from their job but then try everything possible to get out of paying taxes because they think it should be illegal for anyone to try and collect them.
That's fine if you are living in a cabin in the woods and being self sufficient or in a community of people who have decided to work together and break free from the modern world but if you are utilizing things that are paid for by "society" you should have to chip in for that.
Totally digressing from the initial point. Sorry about that. I just live in a pretty grassroots area and see all kinds of people trying to buck the system. Not in a constructive way.
So...because you want to "feel" safe you think it is ok for armed bandits that apparently you approve of and willingly pay for to rob others who don't agree with your definition of safe in order to provide that false sense of safety for you? If so you have horrible ethics to think its ok for others or you to take what's not yours without the consent of who you take it from? What law did I violate and who was the victim of my crime? Did I violate the constitutions of both Washington State or did the Trooper? Why am I the bad guy because I choose self governance? If you don't want to live that way and choose a master that is fine for you. Why do you think it is ethical or ok to force me to give up the ability to self govern and fall into the system of slavery you believe allows me to be free? What does my having insurance or not have anything to do with this interaction with this policy enforcer? Did I do damage to his car? If I did no damage to his property why does he need my insurance policy? Why would you assume that because I provided no proof of insurace when I didn't need to that I would not pay for any damage I cause to someone's property or body? I'm confused as to how you came to this conclusion. The government doesn't own anything. They people own it all. We are the ones that pay for it all. Besides roads are paid for with gas taxes. It's a some what voluntary tax. How about since when we each assume the risk of having our automobile's damaged when we leave our houses and we can't control others, we each just insure our own vehicles or not. Then if an "accident" happens you are covered. Just like with homeowners insurace.
I can already see this is going to be a pointless discussion because you already seem irate with me but I will try to explain myself further and I will try to answer some of your questions without making assumptions about you. I would appreciate the same in return.
At no point did I say or even think that you were a bad guy or the cop was a good guy. I don't know either of you or the circumstances. As I said, this(or anything, for that matter) is not a black and white issue.
Let's say I am walking down the street with my family and a car swerves into us and kills/maims a bunch of us and then takes off. Someone gets the license plate of the car and gives it to the police who in turn track down the person and they arrest them for whatever the charges might be. It turns out that they have no insurance.
I'm in Canada so our hospital bills would be covered for the basic stuff but if I were in another country and had no health insurance I would be on the hook for everything. At least until things could be sorted out with courts etc. I have a few friends in the US and one of them had a couple of pretty extensive operations and they were responsible for around $170000 that they will be paying for for the rest of their lives. Say a family of four have to get a bunch of procedures done because of this accident and it is going to end up being $800000.
I don't know about you but I don't have that kind of money, even if I sold everything I own and anything I might inherit. This isn't taking into account the lost time and damages to that family. So say the person who was driving can only come up with $45000 and that bankrupts them. What happens then?
As for the road taxes, I don't know about there but here it is in the fuel, plates/tags, and I believe in our driver licencing. In BC we have government insurance and I think some of that is for roads as well. People will generally need fuel but I have a few friends that have their diesels converted to run on fryer oil from restaurants so there would be no taxes on that.
Anyhow, I wasn't trying to condemn you, I was just trying to offer my thoughts, as I assumed discussion was the reason you put the post up. I will refrain from commenting outside of the desired narrative from now on and will just hit the upvote so I don't have to get my two typing fingers wore out. Good luck with your exchange and creating your community there.
I love how you start off your response with setting the parameters of any "discussion" between us as a failure. I don't know how you got the idea I am already irate. Seems like an assumption, something you asked me not to do towards you yet you started out your response by making an assumption. I am not irate. Maybe you assume that because rather than use government euphemisms(euphemism - the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant) to describe the unethical behavior of the agents of corporations known as government and the people like yourself who support them I use the actual, and accurate adjectives to describe what they do to humans who were ALL born free on this earth in order to coerce these humans to give up their ability to self govern and freedom through intimidation tactics and violations of the non aggression principle.
As far as you not saying either I or the cop was a bad guy. Maybe you didn't outright say it, but presenting to me that somehow I did ANYTHING wrong when I wasn't meeting the elements of the legal claim he made against me that I was "Driving while license suspended 3rd degree". Instead you changed the subject to something about me having insurance to be able to pay for damage to a vehicle and or family that I hypothetically run into while I'm traveling in my automobile. Nowhere in the interaction did I cause any damage to anyone's property so why was this even brought up? I gather it's because I was cited for not having insurance. Why did I need to prove to this armed gang member that I have insurance when there is no reason for it other than he is enforcing his will on me because he is backed by the monopolized force of the state? I caused no damage to any of his or government property why does he need to see it and if I don't produce it why does he think it's ok to yet again use the monopolized force of the state to to initiate an extortion attempt in order to either gain my compliance or to take my resources(money) from me against my will when I had not done anything to anyone else?
You never once questioned whether it is ok for another human to use threats of violence in order to establish compliance or cooperation with other humans who do not agree to enter into any contractual agreements with others? This is what the police officer did yet you seem to put both of us on the same playing field. I didn't violate the non aggression principle but he did. Why are you ok with this for the lack of a better term, "bullying"?
Then again you go back to the whole insurance thing. I'm not sure why but I guess you don't like dealing in reality but rather the fear of hypotheticals that the government with all it's regulation in reality can't prevent. I'll play the your scenario of you and others being on a sidewalk and being killed/maimed by the user of an automobile. First off YOU and the people on the sidewalk took a calculated risk by deciding to leave the sanctity of your home and venture out into the wilds of the earth that you no longer have control of. Rather than assume this risk for yourself you want to put it off on others. So back to your scenario. Did the person veer onto the sidewalk and cause damage to other humans on purpose or as an accident? Was the person's intent to cause damage or was the entire thing a great big accident. That matters because one is an aggression and a violation of nature's law, the other is a freak accident no different than a tree alongside the road your hypothetically standing on falling and killing/maiming yourself and others utilizing the sidewalk. In the later scenario who is responsible for paying for the hospital bills if a tree alongside the road were to fall and create injuries and the hospital bills and other expenses you brought up. Your life would be forever altered yet who would be there to cover these bills and try to make it right? Do you see my point? Seems to me that since I take the risk that my automobile and myself my be damaged when I go out on the public roads seems to my I should be insuring myself not slight chance I might actually cause damage to someone else's person or automobile. In the first scenario where the person hypothetically drove the car into you on purpose that is a much more of a problem than just damage to be paid for. That individual does not have the ability to self govern and the damage he/she caused should be the least of our concerns. That being said yes they should be responsible to cover any damage they caused accident or not. That is why it would be smart to attain some sort of insurance or way to compensate those that you have damaged. Some individuals cannot afford the regulated insurance hence "uninsured motorist" policies. If you're that worried about that scenario then maybe you should also purchase some coverage to make sure your property and body can be repaired in case the other person didn't have the resources to purchase insurance. How can someone short on resources get insurance if these policy enforcers are constantly extorting their resources when they have done nothing wrong simply because they didn't provide proof of insurance. If a person doesn't have a way to pay then my guess is generous members of the community will rally around the injured parties and as long as they are upstanding members of the community and treat others well, my guess is this would be taken care of. I know this first hand, I have a severely disable child. If I had to rely on the state to help me with him I would have failed miserably. It was my community who voluntarily supported me and my son because they saw that I wasn't a deadbeat. This is how community works but the government corporations would not have you believe this, yet it is observable all around us everyday of the year. So in my conclusion to your hypothetical scenario if the driver violated the non aggression principle in either a voluntary or use of force based system of governance that part would be handled. In addition the scenario of it being and accident is also handled. Except of course if the accident is the tree scenario then instead of government possibly helping fix the problem you'd solely have to rely on those of your community to help you get back on your feet. I'd trust the good people of my community any day over government agent that by nature of their job display poor ethics as the daily violate the non aggression principle. Something if anyone else of us did we would be thrown in their dungeon. If in 2 out of the 3 scenarios the self governed outcome has almost an identical outcome as the governed by thugs option(although the voluntary option would likely cost much less in the end) yet the 3rd option only the voluntary and self governance option takes care of the health problems incurred, I ask again why are you advocating and or supporting this clearly unethical governing body?
I had already stated in my initial response to you that roads are paid for by gas taxes in this country. If people have converted to not support the big oil companies I would commend them on this not act as if they are hurting humanity by not doing their fair share. In fact they are subverting the control over us that is exhibited through the energy they have made us so reliant on. There are cheaper and even free and cleaner sources of this energy but they distract us and divide us so instead of questioning them you are questioning me, a free man who did nothing to anyone else. If the people driving those cars become so many that the roads aren't being paid for then my guess is they would figure out a new way to contribute. Nobody wants to cause damage to their automobile using them on public roads that are not kept up and likely to damage property. My guess is in a voluntary society these people would figure out how to repair roads to be able travel on freely and keep themselves and others safe on the roads(not one person I have ever met has had a death wish and doesn't do things to prevent death or injury to property or themselves). Plus if it was done voluntarily again chances are it would be massively less expensive than when the corporation known as government does it.
As far as offering your thought, it is appreciated. Unfortunately you haven't presented anything new. Every square inch of known inhabitable land on this planet falls within the imaginary boundaries of one of these corporations calling itself a government. So to think any individual with the sense to figure out how to put together coherent thoughts, create, manage and produce content questioning all of this hadn't considered the most basic aspects of the government system controlling or at least trying to control ALL humans on earth seems a little disingenuous to me. If we are to actually discuss things and progress as a society we must go beyond the accepted programming we receive in our government run institutions of "learning". We must also be able to focus on the subject at hand which was the ethics of the trooper who violated the non aggression principle with his threat of violence and force to coerce me to stop my travels and fall under his temporary arrest instead of changing the subject to discussing hypotheticals that while is a valid subject that does need discussion it was not relevant to the subject at hand because I did not cause any damage nor was I "driving" my "motor vehicle" which is what would cause me to fall under their jurisdiction and code requiring me to have and display my proof of insurance on demand.
You support the idea of the use of physical force and/or coercion against someone that refuses to accept the State's authority over them. Essentially, the State has the right to control you from birth. The support of our current enslavement system amazes me.
I think the most amazing part is how someone who is just minding their own business not doing anything to anyone is somehow worse than the thugs inflicting all this violence while clearly violating the non aggression principle. Also the blind and relentless support of this gang of thugs by people who claim to be lovers of freedom.
Thank you! This is the 3rd one dismissed since 2016. Maybe they'll get the idea and leave a message with my record to stop harassing me.