Hi Everyone/ 大家好,
What’s the best thing to do on Halloween? Definitely a dentist visit. I don’t know about you but I hate the dentist so what a great day to take the boys for their checkup. We haven’t been to the city for some time as a family and I was really surprised to see how quiet the streets were. More on that later. The boys were so brave, sat in the chair and let the dentist do whatever she needed. Baby E was examined and none of his teeth is wobbly so won’t see him with an hole in his mouth for some time. He will probably start to loose teeth in a year or so. Baby M was fine and was super cute on the chair. He didn’t even move an inch, I think deep inside he was scared himself. All was done in 30 minutes.
萬聖節正日做什麼好?今年我帶了兩個小朋友去看牙醫.我個人很害怕看牙醫,每次見到她都寧願考 10 個數學試都不喜歡去看牙醫.在 Sydney 市中心看見人流非常少一部份應該是疫情的關係另外一個原因是應該天氣不好很多人都躲在家裏.兩個小朋友都好勇敢不像我那麼害怕.Baby E 的牙齒非常好而醫生告訴我們他沒有那麼快換牙所以應該還有一年左右時間. Baby M 就很可愛一點都沒有動其實心裏應該都有點緊張. 30分鐘後兩個小朋友就看完牙醫.
We were on the streets of the main CBD and it was quiet. No Halloween celebrations at all which was a bit sad. We only saw a few people dressed up but nothing like it used to. Weather was gloomy but I guess we can’t blame people due to COVID they rather stay away from the city. We quickly went to grab lunch as it started to rain. Hope you all had some sort of Halloween celebration as our boys were dressed up as a ninja this week at school already.

animation by @catwomanteresa
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Haha, tongue-in-cheek of scariness (if there's such a word...)
Great idea to go to the dentist hahah the city looks beautiful, greetings