白花 - White Flowers


马缨丹因其长期可靠的开花季节而广受欢迎。 大多数品种的圆盘状花头内有多种颜色。 这些美丽的花朵也吸引了蝴蝶和其他昆虫传粉者。 马缨丹植物既是一年生植物又是多年生植物,并且很好地分布在容器和地被植物上。 这些植物作为蔓生植物也很有吸引力。 您可以在容器中种植马缨丹,为庭院或门廊增添色彩。


除了颜色鲜艳外,马缨丹还以其耐热和耐旱性而闻名。 因为它们是低维护植物,它们需要最少的施肥。 但是,如果您的气候特别恶劣,您可能需要更频繁地给马缨丹施肥。 过度浇水会导致根腐病并减少开花。 减少肥料需求的一个好方法是在夏季定期修剪植物。 修剪时将其高度减至三分之一。 不久之后,新切割的马缨丹将恢复开花。


Lantanas are popular for their long season of reliable bloom. Most cultivars have many colors within the disc-shaped flower heads. These beautiful flowers also attract butterflies and other insect pollinators. Lantana plants are both annuals and perennials and spread well over containers and groundcovers. The plants are also attractive as trailing plants. You can plant lantanas in containers to add color to a patio or porch.

In addition to their great colour, lantanas are known for their heat and drought tolerance. Because they are low-maintenance plants, they need minimal fertilization. However, if your climate is particularly harsh, you may need to fertilize your lantanas more often. Overwatering can cause root rot and reduce flowering. A good way to reduce the need for fertilizer is to prune the plant periodically during the summer. Cut back to one-third of their height during pruning. The newly cut lantanas will return to blooming shortly after.