Part 2 - Play games, improve typing, promote Hive & get paid at the same time! 第二篇: 玩遊戲,打字,推銷Hive, 賺錢一起來

in HIVE CN 中文社区8 months ago (edited)

Hi everyone. My last article about rewarding Nitrotype participants using Hive was apparently the most rewarded post on Hive on the day I posted it. I wanted to say a special thank you to trafalgar, sweetsssj, abit and oflyhigh for supporting this intiative.

大家好。上一篇聊到用Hive來獎勵玩Nitrotype的玩家竟然是當天全Hive上獎勵最高的文章。特別感謝大神們 trafalgar, sweetsssj, abit 和 oflyhigh 支持此項目。


In the last article I said I was going to reward people with HIVE for joining the HIVECN team on Nitrotype. Here is a list of team members as I write the article:


As promised, mrspointm, trayan, yousafharoonkhan each received 1 HIVE (as they have been rewarded with 5 HIVE previously for being in the top 10). wlffreitas is new hence have been awarded with 2 HIVE. I have no idea who Hive_io is.. if you want to please change your name to match your Hive username, you can also be rewarded!!

已加入的成員中,mrspointm, trayan, yousafharoonkhan 各收到1 HIVE(因為之前已經拿到HIVE前十名的獎勵, 所以不是2HIVE, 規則上篇文章中已說明)。wlffreitas 則收到2 HIVE,因為是全新的玩家。有一個HiveCN的隊員叫做Hive_io,但我不知道是誰所以無法獎勵。如果你是Hive_io然後要拿獎勵,請把名字改成你在Hive上的ID。

I would like to also reward yousafharoonkhan a bonus 5 HIVE for completing the most number of "Team Races" between the last article and now.

除此之外,再加5 HIVE送給yousafharoonkhan,因為他代表Hive CN隊比賽了97次,實在太猛了!就連我才比10次!

Here is a screenshot showing the transfer receipts:



This table shows how much I have rewarded people so far:


bostonadventures20 Hive2nd Place on Hive Typing Ranking
yousafharoonkhan5 Hive
1 Hive
5 Hive
Top 10 on Hive Typing Ranking
Joined HiveCN Team
Most Team Races
atyh10 Hive3rd Place on Hive Typing Ranking
mrspointm5 Hive
1 Hive
Top 10 on Hive Typing Ranking
Joined HiveCN Team
trayan5 Hive
1 Hive
Top 10 on Hive Typing Ranking
Joined HiveCN Team
sahi15 HiveTop 10 on Hive Typing Ranking
mojiko-blog5 HiveTop 10 on Hive Typing Ranking
jane12895 HiveTop 10 on Hive Typing Ranking
wlffreitas2 HiveJoined HiveCN Team

Now, here is another good news. Because of the number of races we have done as a team, we are currently leading the "Learner League" on Nitrotype. You can see we have done 146 races (97 races came from yousaf alone!) as a team at first place and second placed has only done 86 races.

接下來解釋一下Nitrotype上的聯賽系統。我們HiveCN的隊伍因為是新的隊伍,剛開始在所謂的Learner League (學習者聯賽)。而在此聯賽我們竟是排行榜上的第一名,也就是說再過兩天我們就會晉級到下一個League。這大多都要感謝yousafharoonkhan,因為他跑比賽最多次,所以我也多給了他5 Hive。


Any teams part of the league will see that number one is "Hive Blog Community" - surely they would want to visit Hive Blog and see what it's about!

參加比賽的隊伍中都會看到第一名是"Hive Blog Community",肯定會想來Hive看看我們是誰吧!!

When we advance to the next league, anyone on the team who has completed more than 10 team races.

再過兩天我們Hive CN隊晉級後,我會再發獎勵給代表HiveCN跑超過10次比賽的朋友們。

Look forward to seeing more and more join our HiveCN team on Nitrotype, improving their typing speeds, earn more HIVE rewards and have fun as we go along!



wow superb information, i am really excited to see my victory of team, really i am very much happy and thank you so much respected @magicmonk for sharing this great game, yes sure our team will be in top list . thank you for rewarding .

and thank you for playing buddy

That's a great way too to promote Hive ..
Haven't logged in today, I'll try to race tomorrow 😁


I have no idea who Hive_io is.. if you want to please change your name to match your Hive username, you can also be rewarded!!

Don't worry, I'm not for rewards, I just wanted to contribute somehow to your efforts.
(It doesn't let me to change my name - it's possible only once per 7 days)

Oh wow gtg that's incredible you're part of it. Thank you so much!!

I joined the team but I am very slow, kick me out if I am too bad for the team.

Ever seen a blacksmith join two metal sheets?
It's riveting

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of new.things



@magicmonk, I sent you an


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/15) @new.things tipped @magicmonk

Great way to promote Hive and I need to start working on my typing skills!

Haha you'll beat me soon I'm sure!

@tipu curate

謝謝! 歡迎參加


多謝! 希望你有一天可以一起玩


hey, thanks!
happy about the success of our team! ;)

update: Now that I play the game on my old laptop... it runs much smoother and my WPM has significantly improved up top 60+ :)

hey trayan impressive to see your progress :)

@new.things tells me you're a parkrunner! And he encouraged me to join your typing-car-racing-challenge-thing =) So I've just done that.

Maybe we'll see you at a parkrun sometime soon. Conscious Cat, aka Caroline (partner of New Things :) ).

hello Caroline, nice to meet you, I'm more of a park walker haha, might join you guys once I get some fitness back into me. Cheers!

Nothing wrong with park walking! I do it from time to time. No need to try and get to our speed. We can slow down or come back to you after we're done. Very easy! No problemo.

Also, thanks for the HIVE!

Cool! Is Nitrotype a hive project?

I would like to try to see how I compare at typing. In Japan people type pretty slow so I’m considered very fast here. Is it in English or Chinese? I can type in Chinese but definitely not quickly cause I have to choose the characters carefully 而且只会简体字😅

also, it's just in English, for the exact reason you just mentioned - typing chinese requires you to choose characters

I joined… seems I can’t compare to many of you 😆 I’m getting 74. I can go faster but then I make a lot of mistakes and it throws me out of rhythm.

oh cool, thank you, that's not bad! make sure your Nitrotype name is the same as your hive name :)

haha thank you! it's not a hive project, just my project haha