@tribesteemup 不知道出于什么原因,大量 downvote 我的帖子。在其正式回应并取消全部downvote之前,我将抹除 @tribesteemup 所点赞的帖子中由其产生的价值部分。
@tribesteemup downvote a lot of my posts without giving any reason. Before @tribesteemup formally responds and cancels all downvotes, I will erase the value generated by @tribesteemup 's upvotes on any posts.
相关信息(Related information):
Hi, tribesteemup ,I don't know what you want? | hive同步链接
我知道,这可能会伤及这些帖子中无辜账号的部分价值,但 @tribesteemup 的行为也让其他人无辜受伤。因为 @tribesteemup 不发帖,所以我没有别的更好回击办法,受伤的作者只能当做他从来没有upvote过。
I know that this may hurt part of the value of an innocent account involved in these posts, but @tribesteemup actions also hurt others of my posts.Because @tribesteemup doesn't post, so I have no other better way to fight back. The injured author can only think that he has never upvoted.
部分潜在候选帖子如下(后续不再列出,当 @tribesteemup 取消 downvote 后,我也会取消 downvote back。但已经被 @steemflag 的作者除外):
Some potential candidate posts are as follows (they will not be listed later. When @tribesteemup cancels the downvotes on my post, I will also cancel these downvote-backs. Except for the author who has been flagged by @steemflag):
- @pundito (flagged,22%): https://steemit.com/@pundito/re-steemflag-qazhph
- @ericwilson (flagged,22%): https://steemit.com/@ericwilson/qaylub
- @slobberchops (will be flagged,22%): https://steemit.com/@slobberchops/re-steemflag-qaz8o5
- @moeknows (no flagged,22%): https://steemit.com/@moeknows/re-steemflag-qaxs11
- @creatr (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@creatr/building-the-fountain-of-youth-electrical-modifications
- @andrewmarkmusic (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@andrewmarkmusic/riffvlog-on-the-social-credit
- @julianhorack (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@julianhorack/covid-19-lockdown-day-60-finally-level-3-lockdown-by-1-june-we-are-half-way
- @fenngen (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@fenngen/finding-out-what-is-real
- @papa-pepper (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@papa-pepper/meet-zigzag-a-little-deformed-red-eared-slider-we-found
- @nainaztengra (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@nainaztengra/sad-state-of-affairs-with-covid-19
- @joshsigurdson (no flagged,100%): https://steemit.com/@joshsigurdson/lockdowns-ruined-millions-of-lives-says-jp-morgan-caused-economic-devastation
- @paradigmprospect (no flagged,100%):https://steemit.com/@paradigmprospect/any-curation-trail-tools-left-on-steem-collecting-recommendations
- @bewithbreath (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@bewithbreath/are-you-writing-about-meditation-mindfulness
- @revisesociology (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@revisesociology/lessons-from-bargain-hunt
- @johnvibes (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@johnvibes/90-year-old-woman-sheilds-grandson-as-police-pull-guns-on-him-for-running-a-stop-sign
- @papa-pepper (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@papa-pepper/edited-cardinal-photos
- @bryandivisions (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@bryandivisions/actifit-bryandivisions-20200524t111150241z
- @paradigmprospect (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@paradigmprospect/diary-or-lazy-sunday-recharge
- @revisesociology (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@revisesociology/crypto-anarchy
- @papa-pepper (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@papa-pepper/peas-peas-and-more-peas
- @doitvoluntarily (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@doitvoluntarily/cannabis-advocates-in-nebraska-trying-to-gather-130-000-signatures-by-july
- @creativeblue (no flagged,11%): https://steemit.com/@creativeblue/qaztn4
- @papa-pepper (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@papa-pepper/spiritual-food-4-thought-just-aging-or-actually-maturing
- @bewithbreath (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@bewithbreath/three-basic-teaching-of-the-buddha
- @revisesociology (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@revisesociology/5ukxuj-eco-village-dreaming
- @bdcommunity (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@bdcommunity/qgnhk-bdcommunity-highlights-of-the-last-week
- @tonysayers33 (no flagged,33%): https://steemit.com/@tonysayers33/5cgfr9d4hre
- @squirrelbait (no flagged,22%): https://steemit.com/@squirrelbait/s-b-broadcasts-nih-who-cdc-and-gates-foundation-hacked
- @pfunk (will be flagged,11%): https://steemit.com/@pfunk/qaxsll
- @d0zer (no flagged,22%): https://steemit.com/@d0zer/qaxu16
- @whatsup (no flagged,100%): https://steemit.com/@whatsup/it-s-all-about-science-though
- @squirrelbait (no flagged,100%, @bullionstackers like this?): https://steemit.com/@squirrelbait/bullionstackers-you-are-nothing-new-and-will-not-silence-me
- @freebornangel (will be flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@freebornangel/this-week-in-biohacking-1
- @freebornangel (will be flagged,50%): https://steemit.com/@freebornangel/can-i-get-an-app
- @kennyskitchen (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@kennyskitchen/4panst-steem-it-was-nice-while-it-lasted
- @julianhorack (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@julianhorack/covid-19-lockdown-day-59-goodbye-world-your-illusion-had-me-fooled-but-only-for-a-while
- @andrewmarkmusic (no flagged,44%): https://steemit.com/@andrewmarkmusic/riffvlog-on-georgism
近期 @tribesteemup 的点赞价值将被抹去,除非他取消对我的downvote | hive同步链接
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Go fuck yourself.
They have a reason.
Nobody likes you because you are a piece of shit bully who intimidates minnows with leased stake.
You are only still operating on Hive because good old @thecryoptodrive defends your right to abuse @dlease.
Guess good old @xxxxxxxxxx is right about the CEO of BuildTeam.
I thought we already had a discussion in DM about this, we don’t have ToS for this situation so there is nothing I can do about existing leases, also it is alleged you started the arguement so there seems to be a feud between the two of you, I certainly don’t have the time to play detective to figure out who started what, but I have taken a decision to minimise drama for myself and you will notice I haven’t filled any of his new leases, I have filled everything but. Kindly do not tag me on this matter any further.
You are a pretty bad detective to be able to say that this is between 2 of us.
Tell that to the community. Nobody is asking you to do anything about existing leases. You could have prevented him from using the service further. But nope.
I said it was alleged that you started it, In our DM you even mentioned he wanted an apology from you and I said that wasn’t necessary, my DM was civil we ended off amicably and I thought the case was closed, now you slander me in public instead of picking up where we left off in DM. His right to use his stake leased or otherwise is his own, at chain level it is all the same, it is not our intent to police every user and transaction based on subjective reasoning. Personally I have decided not to fill any future leases from this user, I hope that will suffice.
This isn't slander or libel.
You have presented yourself as is.
"Personally I have decided not to fill any future leases from this user, I hope that will suffice."
I know you can write English, so show courtesy by using it. I am impressed by those who master multiple languages, but less so with those who resort to crude insults. Calling people 'GAY' shows insensitivity. Is being gay a bad thing?
@huaren.news I translated “ Take out your courage and HIVE, go to dlease.io to rent HP to fight.” to that I ask why is there a need to fight? Why can there not be peace and everyone get along? The world has gone through great turmoil with the pandemic and now is the time to support and be kind to your fellow man, not engage in quarrells.
@huaren.news has exploited leasing SP/HP to his own advantage. Just about all his Steem votes go to himself and I expect he would do the same on Hive if he thought he could get away with it. The community has decided this is not acceptable. He keeps posting these charts of his hive votes, but not the Steem ones. Many of his posts seem to be about how put-upon he is. Maybe he needs to think about how to actually win friends.
I suggest we start fresh from today and hope not to hear of either of the parties bullying each other going forward.
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