那天,她招呼我們,趁著周末去一個市集看看,那個市集叫做職人市集,朋友在網路上看到,有很多手作商品攤位在那市集擺攤,她想去觀察看看,「職人」這個用詞源於日文,意指擁有技術之人。 他們專注於自己擅長的領域,持續精進自己的技藝,讓自己的技術能更爐火純青,但是,我發覺到「職人」好像已經是個行銷字句,用來表示創作者專於技術及商品品質不錯。
Have you ever felt like your money isn’t enough and thought about starting a side hustle? I believe many people have had similar thoughts—using their free time outside of work to create something of their own. Times have changed, and people don’t want to feel tied down by just one job. They’d rather spend their time doing things they find more interesting, and if they can make money from it, even better!
I have a friend who has always been interested in handmade crafts. She’s incredibly skilled and often transforms scraps and old items into creative, practical pieces like coin purses. We always encourage her to start her own business, but honestly, we’re mostly joking, because starting a business is far from easy.
One weekend, she invited us to check out a market with her. It was called the “Craftsmen’s Market” which she found online. She wanted to go and see what it was all about, especially since there would be a lot of handmade product stalls. The term “craftsman” (shokunin in Japanese) refers to someone who is highly skilled and dedicated to their craft, constantly honing their abilities. However, I’ve noticed that the word “craftsman” has become a bit of a marketing buzzword, used to imply high quality and attention to detail.
When we arrived at the market, it immediately gave off the vibe of a typical artsy marketplace. There were tons of unique personal brand products, mostly handmade or designed items. Honestly, the place was quite busy, with lots of people strolling through. Many stalls showcased creative and quirky items. One woodwork stall caught my eye—it repurposed old frosted glass from the past into jewelry boxes and nightlights. It was my first time seeing something like that. Another stall sold adorable plush pillows shaped like bread, like pineapple buns and red bean buns. Many women couldn’t resist picking them up, but I couldn’t help imagining how funny it’d be to hug a pineapple bun while watching a horror movie! There were also several stalls offering specialty baked goods with innovative designs and fillings. The desserts looked amazing, but the prices were pretty steep, so I didn’t feel tempted to buy any.
From what I observed, the market was packed with visitors, but not many people were actually buying things. Most of the stall owners were young, promoting their personal brands. The products were all very creative and visually appealing, but their practicality was often questionable, and the prices were on the high side. This seems to be a common situation for these creative markets—the target audience is usually young people who love novelty and excitement. For those of us who prioritize value for money, it’s harder to justify a purchase. My friend ended up buying a few items that caught her eye and followed some of the stall owners on social media. I think she might slowly start experimenting with her own side hustle after this experience!
For the best experience view this post on Liketu