《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》 讲述了 锦觅,一位自出生以来被剥夺了情感的天界仙子,和 旭凤,火神之间的故事。锦觅生活在一个她的情感和行为都受到限制的世界,直到她爱上了旭凤,产生了一段禁忌之爱。两人一起面对复杂的命运、反转和背叛,这不仅威胁到他们的爱情,也影响到神界与人间的平衡。该剧充满了 强烈的情感 和 牺牲,角色们在 责任 和 爱情 之间挣扎,经历了激动人心的故事。
"Ashes of Love" follows the story of Jinmi, a fairy from the heavenly realm who has been deprived of emotions since birth, and Xufeng, the God of Fire. Jinmi lives in a world where her feelings and actions are restricted until she falls in love with Xufeng, creating a forbidden love. Together, they face a complex fate, twists, and betrayals that threaten not only their love but also the balance between the gods and mortals. The drama is filled with intense emotions and sacrifices, as the characters struggle between duty and love, experiencing a heart-stirring story. What do you think of this drama?