


  • 最近 因为加密市场价格变化迅速,还经常半夜去出现各种诡异行情。干脆直接弄一个行情获取,自动通知。因为一些原因就没弄主流的行情网站。直接用小众的mytokencap获取行情,然后用飞书行情推送。几行node.js代码就搞定了。


  • 安装

    • 一般首先需要安装一个nodejs,官网下载就行。
    • 安装关键库axios
      npm install axios --save
  • 代码

    • 首先是获取行情代码。主要是利用mytokencap的API链接https://api.mytokenapi.com/currency/kline?com_id的获取单个token的K线价格。
   function gettoday(coinname){

   let today=new Date().getTime()
   let last=Math.floor(today/1000)

   return "https://api.mytokenapi.com/currency/kline?com_id="+coinname+"_usdt&symbol="+coinname+"&anchor=USDT&time="+last+"&market_id=338&period=1d&timestamp=1674739035146&code=ebc161c4c01e448626c3cc30518009d6&platform=web_pc&v=1.0.0&language=en_US&legal_currency=USD"

 async function getcoin() {
 const coinnames = ['BTC', 'ETH', 'BCH','dogecoin','ton309','sui296','hive653','APT530', 'tron', 'solana', 'ARB248','OP450','XLM','UNI226'];
 const coinPromises = coinnames.map((coinName) => {
     return axios({
         method: 'get',
         url: gettoday(coinName),
         headers: {
             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
             "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/",
     }).then((res) => {
         const price = coinName.match(/.*[a-zA-Z]/) + ':' + res.data.data.kline[0].close + '\n';
         return price;

 return Promise.all(coinPromises).then((coinPrices) => {
     return coinPrices.join(''); 
  • 通知飞书行情代码:
const axios = require('axios');

async function sendMessageToFeishu(accessToken, message, chatId) {  
  try {  
      const response = await axios.post(  
              chat_id: chatId,  
              msg_type: "text",  
              content: {  
                  text: message  
              headers: {  
                  'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`,  
                  'Content-Type': 'application/json'  
      console.log('Message sent successfully:', response.data);  
  } catch (error) {  
      console.error('Failed to send message:', error);  
const testjob =async function(){  
  const price=await getcoin()
  await sendMessageToFeishu(accessToken, price, 'oc_e9dxxxxxxxx');





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