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RE: Do You Feel Safe In Responding To Polls on Hive?

in Hive Polls9 months ago

As more draconian laws are passed, I have more reason to be glad I maintain pseudonymity on Hive. I am a very open person, and have had to be literally beaten before I learned to look before I leap when it comes to sharing.

Were I not pseudonymous on Hive, I would have chosen the last option 'Totally unsafe', because the Canadian Outrage Police could use my posts and poll responses to prosecute me for making trannies angry, or smth. The US prosecution of various foreign parties under US law, such as Assange (and many long ago, like Saddam Hussein), means the US could just arrest me under Canadian request and ship me there to suffer Castreau's wrath.

Worse, should KYC become necessary for internet use, as is being assiduously sought, then I will be cut off from my international sources, and Hive, because using this account would no longer be pseudonymous.



At this point, they should try shipping me (like they did with the slaves in trains)

At this point, they would be experiencing their blue wonder

I just read that criticizing mass immigration is now a crime there. I am sad about it.

I dont give a fuck

You Right-heads and left-heads will kill each other very soon anyways

Everyone dies. Better to die right.

yeah, sacrifice yourself to your ideologies
hopefully these ideologies then die with you alltogether