How did you find Hive?

in Hive Polls23 hours ago

I like to ask people on Hive how they found the platform and blockchain. And sometimes you can get some really interesting stories from how that happened. With so many ways to find it, such as search engine results (SEO), Youtube content creators talking about it it, or even just finding it as an altcoin on an exchange. So I am quite curious how others here found Hive.

My story started in 2016-2017 when I saw the STEEM/BTC pair on Poloniex. I liked to research the altcoins on those exchanges, and reading about how Steem worked it quickly stuck out as something different than many other altcoins on there. With a sea of ERC-20 Ethereum tokens, bitcoin spin offs, and every other kind out there it can be easy not to notice Steem. But I am glad I did and my journey begun during May of 2017 where I made an account and powered up a thousand or so Steem at the time.

Who would have guessed around three years later, the same exchange I discovered Steem on. Would turn their backs to the community and support Justin Sun in a stake based take over. And because of all of that, I am now on Hive and Steem is just a memory of what once was. Lessons learned, and glad Hive is much more decentralized and less likely to ever have such an event happen again to this blockchain.

So my vote will be for “Crypto exchange listing” as I discovered it while browsing coin listings on exchanges and researching their function.

How did you find Hive, what is your story?


I heard about steemit from the beginning through antisocialist. Long journey. Only active on and off. Have other accounts but they are dead. Only used for making deposits and transfers for personal business.

That is cool that @antisocialist onboarded you.

@bpcvoter1 is a bot, I just ignore them.


Greetings @solominer ,

Thank you for your kind query.

This is interesting to try to recall...

Let's see ...The Dollar Vigilante had his own podcast back in the day and may still have idk...however in 2016 he joined Steemit. He interviewed Dan Larimer, August 2016...after one of his posts made 15k....Somehow Bleujay heard the story ...joined Steem September 2016. Many newcomers came as a result of that interview. ^__^

Those were very heady days indeed....the idea of decentralized social site, freedom, anonymity...etc....It was great on the edge.

Hive the fork of Steem is the better choice for here we are today.

Kind Regards,


NB Would this be 'other'...not really sure which is a good fit.

I used to listen to the The Dollar Vigilante in the early 2010s but lost track of him in the last 5 years or so.

Is this the video you are speaking of?

Wow that is quite the experience, you have seen a lot here I am sure. Glad you joined us after the Hive-Steem fork :-)

I would say "Youtube influencer" would be how you found Hive on the poll.

Thank you @solominer for your kind reply.

What a great video...thank you so much...I am only five minutes into it....very similiar to what introduced Bleujay....those heady words of freedom, liberty and property and his journey....really define him as the genius he is.

Kind Regards, Bleujay


@solominer! @bleujay likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bleujay. (1/1)

(html comment removed: )


Jeff Berwick mentioned it on anarchast.

Ah okay, that is good he helped onboard some people.

A lot of people, many are still here.
He just got sideways with some of 'the whales'.


I needed money because in my socialist country they destroyed the economy and the currency was worthless, it was better to stay and write in Hive and in the early days of steem.

But how did you discover Hive/Steem?

I think it was because of an article on a crypto news page

Ah okay, nice.


I only found #HIVE because of #SoMee - wish I would have found it much sooner!!!

What is SoMee?

It was originally supposed to take over Facebook…… was….


Interesting.. yeah there is a lot of cross over between other blogging websites.


I found Hive by a friend/co-worker.😊😊 I was invited to join since you can earn while blogging and I also like to read stories. Now, I'm more focused on gaining more HP to have higher upvote.😁😁 Thank you for the support of my goal too.😊

Ah nice, I think many people have learned about Hive through "word of mouth" as we call it.

Nice, good luck staking here... Sounds like a good plan.

I think it's true.😊😊

Thank you. I hope I can achieve it.😊


My story is a bit curious...I met first PIZZA community and then hive lol.

Oh cool I know of that Discord group Hive Pizza I think.

Hehe quite the unique experience as you stated

yeah it was weird... they added PIZZA token at tipcc discord bot and through an add in the tipcc server I joined and started talking there about general crypto , then I met hive ;)

That’s so cool!

It seems that Communities will have a good chance to onboard people. It makes Hive more relatable.

Let’s see if dont know many people who went through this way hehhe

I believe the Skate Hive community is doing a good job onboarding skaters join the platform and also getting merchants to participate in the Spend HBD initiative. I imagine that if many communities follow this direct onboarding style, then I think it will have a good turnover.


That is good to hear the Skate Hive community is helping to on board people.


for me it was splinterlands

Nice.. thanks for mentioning it. I will tally up how many people said splinterlands and add it to the post after the poll closes.


Mine was a long time ago too. In 2017.

I wanted to find opportunities for writers and have a community of writers too, so I joined some Literature group back in the University. Not long after that a guy came to the group to tell us about how an opportunity to make rewards blogging.

It was Steemit. I joined and the rest, they say, is not history 🌚.

That is cool you found it through your local university. Nice...


I found HIVE through Splinterlands so I marked Other in your poll.

Ah very nice, I will try to do an update poll in the future and include Splinterlands as an option.


The number of the silver stacking community in YouTube invited me, Unfortunately, they all migrated to Instagram. That's how I started, and the rest is just ... plugging along!

Oh interesting, that is really cool you found Hive through a YouTube content creator.

Glad you have found a good home here.


A bandmate/colleague told me about Steem. I was really into it. He wasn’t. I never found him on the platform and he never helped me look, never remembered his name and I just started assuming he didn’t want me to know. 🤷‍♂️ I stopped asking, and the subject never ever came up again. 🥸

I tried to vote, friend, but I don’t have the right credentials.

Lol that story is interesting indeed !! Crazy


That is a cool story, funny how you learn something through a friend but they lose interest. But you still keep the hobby, that is cool.

Ah you need to log into peakd. Not sure what front end you use.


I was introduced to St--mit by a fellow user of Tsu after that platform shut down. I wasn't really a crypto guy then, but I liked the concept and was fed up with social platforms being shut down (Google!!).

I found hive by search engine..

Oh nice, Hive has really good SEO. So I can see how that could happen..

Even to this day when I look things up sometimes an old Steemit post comes up or a newer Hive post.. lol

I was looking for a free to earn blockchain. Luckily I found a hive.

I'm not sure about, It was also long time ago on 2017 but I guess was because my research

Ah okay, I should have included research in my poll. Figured it was kind of general though, as it could be through Youtube, or search results.

Glad you found it though :-)

we are veterans here! 😂

yeah man 2017 is way back in the day.


Let me make it's clear. I found Hive because of my friend but before hive was created, I and my friend joined to Steem. I gave up someday but my friend going through it, then she pushed me to rejoin blockchain with Hive.

Ah very cool, friends can really help out and keep you going. I try to encourage people I have on boarded to keep going.

Alright. Just because we had same background in literature, she pushed me to keep writing a content on Blockchain. Now I just encourage my friend from the same community: Literature, because for me Hive is not for anyone who just want to new experience without a skill of writing. :D


Good afternoon dear friend @solominer
I appreciate you sharing your experience in getting to STEEM-HIVE

I joined our company many years ago, eight years ago in August, and it was thanks to a person from YouTube, who invited me to join us, as in your case I started in Steem. And from there it has been an incredible journey. I am very happy to have arrived here. Hive is my life

Have a beautiful afternoon

Hey there, good afternoon.

Ah glad, I do not think I have ever publicly talked about how I discovered Hive/Steem. So figured a poll would be the perfect way to tell my story and learn about others origin stories on the blockchain.

Oh interesting you found it through a Youtube content creator, that is great.

Me too, an amazing journey here.. And much to look forward to in the future.


friends on steam ... the friends I've got to know through TSU a different platformthat payed people for posting their content .

a lot of the #tsufamily is stil active on hive : @melinda010100 @papilioncharity @ewkaw @brumest @digitalis @Dswigle andthere a lot more still here

Oh cool, what does TSU stand for? I have heard a few mention that but this is the first time I have heard of it.

it was the name TSU ,not a shortage for something ,


shows some old info , and why it didn't work in the end .


I came to play Splinterlands which I found from a google search result. Then when I had some issues on the splinterlands website, I went to ask about it. Later someone told me about the blogging side of the blockchain (on Discord) and I loved it.

This happened almost three years ago in Nov, 2021. I knew no one from here before that. (A lot of others join in like me around the same time as the gains were really good that time)

I should have included Splinterlands in the poll options. That is really cool you found it through a Dapp.

Heard a few people have learned about Hive through Splinterlands.


Actually I can´t remember. Maybe through one of Jerry Banfield´s Steem-videos?

Hah I remember that guy. He did a lot to bring awareness to Steem. Though once he started making DJ dancing videos with his baby it got a bit weird.


My husband told me about Steem when he saw it in an online article. I jumped right in. Still here.

Oh that is great that your significant other got you involved on the platform.


I found it by chance! It was 2018, I was starting to dip my toes in crypto, and read an article that was talking about how in the future social networks could actually reward users with crypto instead of likes. And soon after, googling, found out they already existed! Created account, and still here after six rewarding years!

Very nice, finding it through doing research is a great success story.


I found hive through my wife's cousin @robrigo. He used to have a pretty big account here but was powering down when I started up. I can't help but wonder how different my journey might have been if he had stuck around.

Nice, good to find out about it through other people.

I know what you mean, having big friends here is nice. My friend I know in real life @whangster79 had quite a bit of stake for a bit. But had to power down as well.

His company was running a witness for a while. They had a faucet and I was able to create an account and start with 15 or 25 powered up tokens at the time. It was really nice. It's sad when people have to leave like that for whatever reason. I wouldn't have wanted him to give me votes out of obligation, but if he could have... it would have been nuts!


I had a virtual friend from another blogging site and taught me about this.

Cool.. good to hear you found it on another blogging site.


I learned about it through a friend, but it took me some time to get the hang of it.

At times, I was inactive. However, especially at the beginning of this year, I finally set a goal and have stayed active since then.

This chain has good potential... I think we only need to keep making it known to people so that they will realize it.


Ecency vote♥️






I heard about steemit first and then Hive


After being on Steemit for a while and taking a temporary break, I joined the Hive community. I have never really had a focus on the crypto market. I use Hive to introduce artists at the weekly jazz-matinee who haven't actually made it to the top yet. In between, there are short passages from stories (written by me). These will later find their place between two book covers. This is the way I try to get an initial response.


I think I Googled "Ways to make money Online" xD
And Steemit + other sites came up :D


A handfull of musicians in web3 (primarily a project called Musicoin) were posting on here pre-fork. This was 2019. I came because they linked their blog posts on Twitter, Discord and such. I Followed the bread crumbs because I wanted to find out how artists were earning cryptocurrency with their art... and well, I never left :)


My brother @rentmoney Told me about it! First he was telling me about a thing called Steem Monsters and how you could get packs of cards by supporting their kickstarter. I threw in some money, got some cards, and then did nothing with it.

The entire time my brother was trying to convince me to start posting in Hive Gaming ( He told me what happened Steem) to make a few extra bucks. One day I was bored, just beat Guardians of the Galaxy game and wanted to talk about it so I made a review.

Being my first post it wasnt that great but the community was amazing with people offering me tips on formatting, the use of photos, etc! And I fell right in love with the atmosphere!

Because of Hive I finally bit the bullet and decided to build my own PC, which was partly funded from the earnings I made on here!


It was mentioned in a forum. I was curious, so I came.

I remember I started listening a lot about cryptocurrencies and play to earn games, so I did a search on the internet and found talking about splinterlands, then I started playing for a while, I think after about 2 months I went to understand what hive was, that there was hive and its posts and then our love story started kkk 😂

From an email newsletter I was subscribed to. 😀

I was looking for a place to showcase my art and from what I remember some youtuber who I follow mentioned Steemit Hive.

Word of mouth for me. My cousin was trying really hard to get me to see the value in crypto which I had mostly written off at that point, and as he knew I was a big nerd and liked writing he sold me on Steem. It's been a lot of learning and fun since then.

 23 hours ago  Reveal Comment